
Name: Seminar
Code: QUI13543M
Duration: 30 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objective of this curricular unit is to complement the formation of the students in relation to research knowledge and attitudes.
In this curricular unit the students should improve their capacities of ideological synthesis and of comprehending advanced themes and new ideas, as well as of individual work, bibliographical research and elaboration of oral presentations.


The curricular unit contemplates two distinct but complementary components. On the one hand, the students should attend research lecturers and subsequently elaborate individually a written summary of selected lectures. The themes are not fixed, and some examples of invited lecturers are: “Molybdenum (VI) oxo complexes: versatile catalysts for olefin epoxidation”; “Highly active hydroformylation catalysts: development, performance and immobilisation”; “Silicatos e MOF microporosos e fotoluminescentes”; “Fluorescência molecular: dos vetores de fase aos OLEDs de 3ª geração”.
On the other hand, in the other component of the curricular unit each student will do two individual oral presentations. The first will be on a theme established during the first classes and proposed by the lecturers and/or students, and which may be related with the theme of the student’s dissertation. The second will be on the results obtained within the dissertation work.

Teaching Methods

In relation to the first component, this involves lectures presented by invited speakers, followed by discussion periods.
In relation to the second component, the teaching/learning process is based primarily on the individual work of the students, although there are also discussion periods in which teachers and students can participate.
Evaluation is based on the summaries of the lecturers (mark R) and in oral presentations (marks A1 and A2) including the participation of the students in the discussion. The final grade (NF) will be given by NF=0.1R+0.4A1+0.5A2.