Information and Communication Technologies in Education

Name: Information and Communication Technologies in Education
Code: PED02475L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Information and Communication Technologies in Education.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Learning Outcomes
1. It is able to sustaining an updated, critical and reasoned view regarding the role of ICT in the field of education and training.
2. Is able to use technology to support education and training processes, through the design, elaboration and development of activities and projects using appropriate tools and applications.
3. Select and use the appropriate tools to support academic writing processes, organization, productivity and project management in educational activities.
4.Products, edits and uses video and multimedia presentations, according to the principles of correct use in an educational context.


1)Fundamentals for the use of Technologies: operating concepts and justifications for using technology in education and professional training.
2) Educational work methodologies using ICT: project method (PBL), collaborative work, independent and autonomous work, problem solving and survey methodology.
3) Planning tools: plans and scripts for activities and the exploitation of educational software.
4) Educational work tools: organization and productivity, multimedia creation, Web 2.0 applications and digital platforms.
5) Environments for assessing student learning (digital portfolios, Socrative, Kahoot).
6) Safety, ethics and protection of children and young people in the use of ICT.

Teaching Methods

This course will provide learning contexts of a theoretical-practical nature using a combination of different methodologies.
Methodology 1 - Analysis and discussion of written and audiovisual documents.
Methodology 2 - Collaborative construction of projects and multimedia products (digital video).
Methodology 3 - Creation of RED multimedia catalog
The evaluation of the curricular unit is based on the Continuous Assessment regime. Individual Work (IT) + Group Work (TG). The final classification will be (TI+TG)/2.
The exam regime will be carried out with a written test with a theoretical component (P1) and a practical component (P2). Final classification: CF= P1*0,6+P2*0,4.