Conflit management and Negotiation

Name: Conflit management and Negotiation
Code: GES02348L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This unit seeks to integrate the variables "conflict" and "negotiation" as pillars of an organizational logic which aims the individual and collective success and searches a sustainable value creation.
Students will be able to:
a) Promote and manage organizational synergies;
b) Recognize and select strategies for resolving conflicts;
c) Negotiate effectively, using the best techniques in every situation.


1. Introduction
1.1. Organizational models in change context;
1.2. Decision-making processes.
2. Conflict
2.1. Approach perspectives and types of conflict;
2.2. Development phases of a conflict;
2.3. Conflict management.
3. Negotiation
3.1. Basic characteristics of a negotiation process;
3.2. Bargaining orientation;
3.3. Stages of a negotiation process;
3.4. Bargaining strategies, techniques and tactics;
3.5. Negotiation in specific contexts.

Teaching Methods

Methodologically, we will adopt a multifaceted approach that combines the presentation/discussion of concepts and theories with the analysis of case studies and exercises of interaction/negotiation.
Evaluation process:
Alternative 1 - Continuous Assessment
For each student, the final score results from the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in a set of three small group works (50%) and a final test (written individually, without consultation) (50%), about all the subjects taught in the unit.
Obtaining a grade of less than seven figures in the set of group works automatically implies the transition to the single examination.
Alternative 2 - Single Exam
The final score of each student results, directly and exclusively, from the ratings of a written test (individual, without consultation) about all the subjects taught, to be held at the time of examinations.

Teaching Staff