e-business and web marketing

Name: e-business and web marketing
Code: GES02340L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

With this course is expected that the student will be able to describe the main concepts related to web marketing and electronic business. By the end of this course the student should be able to:
* Explain the importance and specific features of the Internet as a marketing instrument and as a business;
* Explain the specificities of web marketing;
* Identify and plan different forms of electronic business.
With this course the student should also obtain the following skills:
* Comprehension of the specific concepts of web marketing and electronic business;
* Ability to plan a marketing action on the Web;
* Capacity to implement electronic business solutions.


1. Introduction to e-business and electronic markets.
2. E-business models.
3. Strategy and implementation of the e-business.
4. Marketing and communication on the Internet.
5. New developments on the Web.

Teaching Methods

The teaching sessions are a combination of theory and practice. Sessions include discussion of case studies, analysis of ideas, presentation of real cases of electronic trading platforms, small individual assignments, and sharing of experiences and discussion.
The materials of the sessions, the syllabus and other documentation supporting the lecturing of the course, will be available to students on the e-learning platform of the University, created to support the teachings. Will be indicated a schedule for attending students.
For assessment, the student In continuous evaluation will develop a group essay (40%) and a written exam (60%). In the exam regime, the student will be assessed trough an individual essay (40%) and a written exam (60%).
To do continuous evaluation students will have to attend at least 75% of the classes.
Students will pass the course with an overall grade equal to or greater than 10 values, as long as they do not have a grade lower than 7 values in any element