Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Name: Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Code: EME10989L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Electrotechnical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The student:
- should acquire/consolidate the knowledge of the PV Solar Energy Conversion, conversion technologies, types of
systems and autonomous systems including design, systems connected to the mains and other applications.
- will have the opportunity to test PV modules in accordance with International Standards, obtaining the curves of
current vs. voltage in different configurations and external conditions and to evaluate the performance of
photovoltaic systems in accordance with internationally accepted indicators.
- will acquire knowledge in the field of mathematical modeling of photovoltaic systems and hybrid PV/T enabling the
analysis of the dynamics of these systems and contact with control algorithms that enable the maximization of the
use of solar resources and their integration Smart energy networks.
- will have a strong interaction with the new trends of direct conversion of solar energy into electricity, enhancing their future participation in innovative projects.


1. Introduction.
The Physics of the Photovoltaic (PV) conversion.
PV Conversion technologies.
2. Photovoltaic systems.
Stationary systems and systems with tracking.
Photovoltaic systems with energy storage.
3. Applications and Projects.
Types of applications: autonomous (off grid), on grid, building integrated (BIPV), floating photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic irrigation and others (water purification, telecommunications systems, electric vehicles).
Design and energetic analysis of photovoltaic systems.
Testing and Monitoring Standards for Photovoltaic Systems.
Modeling of photovoltaic systems.
4. New Trends.
Photovoltaic Systems and Smart Grids
New technologies for photovoltaic systems and applications, new energy storage technologies.

Teaching Methods

The preferential evaluation will have the following structure:

1. Continuous assessment (50%)
i. Attendance (10%)
ii. Laboratory experience report (20%)
iii. Presentation on a PV system sizing (20%)
2. Exam (50%)

A minimum of 8 values is mandatory in each of the two general points. The final grade will be obtained by adding points 1 and 2 weightedly. Attendance is measured by attending the class, worth 2 points of the final grade.

Students who do not pass this evaluation method will be able to pass it by taking the exam only. In this case, the exam will be worth 100% of the student's final grade. In other words, assessment by exam alone is always available to everyone.

Teaching Staff