Music Analysis II

Name: Music Analysis II
Code: MUS13002L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Music

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Following the previous semestre, which is intended for the study of musical, this semestre studies rhythm. Like other aspects, the study of rhythm is important for all musicians, whether performer, musicologist, or composer.
Traditionally, rhythm has occupied an inferior position by comparison with pitch. There is no intention to invert this hierarchy, but rather to balance them and affirm the importance of rhythm, especially given the musical evolution over the past decades.


The program focuses on different works from different historical periods. All works studied are major works in the context of the Western Music; rhythm is the unifying factor of the analysis, and covers:
- Qualitative and quantitative rhythm and the mixture of both;
- Differences between modal and tonal rhythm;
- Conventions of rhythmic notation, including the rhythms whose rating is not accurate (Gregorian chant, Renaissance notation, notes inégales, jazz, folk music, etc.);
- Free rhythm and aleatory rhythm of the twentieth century;
- The role of rhythm in the definition of phrase and directionality;
- Duration and proportion.

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit is taught in a group class.
In addition to the teacher presentations, research, debate and analytical study should be encouraged.
Evaluation (AV):
Students can choose between:
- Continuous assessment:
• two tests (F).
• analysis paper (TA);
AV = (F1x0,3) + (TAx0,3) + (F2x0,4)
Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).


Evaluation (AV):

Students can choose between:

- Continuous assessment:

• Attendance (A)
• Two tests (F).
• Analysis paper/oral presentation (TA);

AV = (A x 0,15) + (F1 x 0,3) + (F2 x 0,3) + (TA x 0,25)

Minimum classroom sessions: 75% (except student workers).

Student workers:

(F1 x 0,35) + (F2 x 0,35) + (TA x 0,30)

Teaching Staff