Advanced Communication Project I

Name: Advanced Communication Project I
Code: VIS12861L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The aim of the UC is to provide theoretical and practical references within the communication design with emphasis on multimedia dimension, notably in the creation of digital identities, based on functional and
aesthetic criteria in the user function. Stimulate analysis and the critical spirit of digital identities. Explore the design capabilities and application of the principles of design to digital identities. Enhance creative stimuli and argumentation in context of digital projects.
Provide the student capacity to enable it to give a response to an intermediate level in the context of the creation of a digital branding and integrate this with a draft communication Design.


1. Case studies of digital identities and digital communication projects.
2. Briefing of project exercise of communication design for digital visual identity.
3. Project exercise of digital identity construction of Web expression, in a context of communication design:
Elaboration of Audit to digital identity.
Creation of digital identity.
Design structure of digital identity.
Application explorations of digital identity.
4. Oral presentation of a project exercise.

Teaching Methods

Research and use of projected methodologies will be promoted. Classes run in an expositional format of debate and information sharing. The evaluation is continuous with intermediate assessments and, at the end of the semester, the final evaluation in a jury model.


In the NORMAL SEASON assessment students may choose one of two schemes: Continuous or Final Assessment.


Evaluation Components:
a) Class participation: 20%;
b) Work developed during the period with the accompaniment of the teacher, which must be submitted, at least, to a periodic evaluation with public disclosure of the classifications: 40%;
c) Presentation and defense of the work developed during the classes, which occurs during the "Regular Season Evaluations": 40%.


a) Work developed during the period with the teacher's accompaniment: 40%;
b) Examination based on the contents taught: 60%.

Teaching Staff