Advertising Design

Name: Advertising Design
Code: VIS12825L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

General Objectives:
The classes aim to provide theoretical and practical references in the context of Communication Design with a focus on Advertising Design, specifically in building an advertising campaign to promote and advertise a product or service and exploring stimuli in the empirical visual perception.
We also intend to develop the skills of analysis and critical sense, the ability of designing the project based on functional and aesthetic criteria, and the investigation and develop the several phases of project methodology based on well-defined concepts.
Specific Objectives:
Encourage the creation of visual concepts; objectify the visual speech and its creative application.
The student must be endowed with abilities that allow him to give a professional response at an intermediate level as part of a project of communication design in which the main vehicle for the project development is located in Advertising Design application for an Advertising Campaign.


1. The Origin of Brands and Advertising The history of big Brands on advertising Branding
Media Advertising
Coca-Cola and Apple
Case Studies.
2. The role of the Designer
Creative Process
Adaptability of Visual Identity
Logos and Graphic Trends
Rules and presentations
Concept of visual language of Advertising Campaign. 3.The "Traditional" advertising and the Media
TV Ads
Radio Spots
Printed Suports:
Graffiti, etc.
4. New Technologies and New Media Advertising Interactive design
Web applications
Online Advertising Era
5. Phases of a Design Project for an Advertising Campaign Briefings
Research and Market Analysis
Definition and Concept Development
Values and Graphic Communication
Final Arts

Teaching Methods

The methodology is based on a series of structured lessons and may resort to the Department's projects,commercial projects, competitions, research projects, conferences, seminars and workshops. Structured customized tutorials and discussion groups are at the heart of the programme.
Continuous assessment will be based on attendance, with high rates of participation in activities in the classroom, whether individually or in groups, development and resolution of projects, meeting deadlines and academic progress in knowledge and practice of the student as a potential professional in the area. The final assessment is a time for general discussion of the route taken by the student during the semester, based on his ability to respond to the project and its implementation, quality presentation and communication skills.
Attendance– 10 %
Mid-Term Review – 50%
Final Evaluation – 40%

Teaching Staff