
Name: Improvisation
Code: ARC12594L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The course intends to promote contact with different materialities as inducers of the improvisational game, having as reference several methodologies of the actor's training

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand the importance of the area in the actor training
Know different approaches and perspectives
Try and apply various methodologies of improvisation
Create small performances based on improvisational processes
Reflect and analyze critically the individual and group options

Ability to research process
Ability to improvise and apply its principles in the creation of small performances
Ability of analysis and reflection


Fundamental principles regarding the presence and the actor play, transversal to the various forms of theater: to exist "aquieagora",
"to be" instead of "to do", to react instead of acting;
Application of "game" rules and experimentation of exercises;
Attention, concentration, spontaneity and involvement in the process.
Development of listening, acceptance and interior flexibility.
Development of objectives and outbreaks
Status change and routine break
Improvisational methodologies in the training of the actor according to Spolin, Johnstone, Bogart and Lazaratto.
Creation and reflection of small performances from the elements of improvisation

Teaching Methods

Practical/reflexive methodologies.
The evaluation in this curricular unit is continuous. Two moments of evaluation will be held in order to ensure the followup of the students' learning.
The evaluation by the teacher will be complemented by the development of a process of formative evaluation by each of the students, through systematic reflective registration in a training journal that will also contribute to the evaluation end.
Elements of evaluation:
Participation and positive contribution to the dynamics of the group. (30%)
Application of content, autonomy and investigation / exploration of the competences studied, namely evidenced in the exercises (50%)
Reflection on individual development on conceptual and methodological fields. (20%)