Creativity Expression

Name: Creativity Expression
Code: ARC12592L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To experience creatively expressive techniques as a means of self-awareness, personal and interpersonal communication using the sound, movement and word objects.
- To explore the therapeutic dimension of expressive techniques.
- To create and recreate from expressive inductors.
- to promote the development of creative empathy, affection and confidence of students and their ability to accept challenges and communication.
-To explore and apply the techniques of artistic creativity in the various areas of expression.
- to develop and stimulate innovative proposals with a performative dimension of integrative arts, taking into account contemporary cultural and social issues.


- Creativity in life.
- Creativity as a primary need of human beings.
- Creativity and individual, social, human and cosmic dimensions.
- Creativity society, dialogue and culture.
- Techniques of applied creativity.
- Dramatic activities and creative process.
- Guided imagery, creativity and creative relaxation.
- Stories, myths and legends as creative and therapeutic tool.
- Expressive elements of Dramatic Activities as a base for performative production.
-The integrative perspective of performance.
- Creativity, society, culture and dialogue.

Teaching Methods

- Practical work in large group, individual and small groups with application of creativity techniques.
- Globalizing experience of expressive-creative and artistic-therapeutic techniques.
- Simulated practice.
- Feed-back of practical activities.
- Straight and self-assessment continues with a grid with indicators built for the course taking into account learning outcomes.
- Students will be encouraged to produce Writing reflection based on personal and interpersonal experiences in which techniques of expression and communication were used.

Practical work in - 50%
critical essay 30%
Frequency 30%