Portuguese Theatre History

Name: Portuguese Theatre History
Code: ARC12577L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, French
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

a. To promote understanding of the historical processes present in the various stages of Portuguese theater.
b. To promote contact with the documentation of portuguese theatrical life (authors and texts, spaces and material organization of the representation, elements of theatrical and spectacular life, texts and paratexts, audio-visual registers) in their diversity, plurality and historicity.
c. To elaborate a framework of historical, historiographical and critical references relevant to the comprehension of broad lines of the history of Portuguese theater and in Portugal.
d. Encourage the knowledge and exploration of the protagonists, organizations, circuits of diffusion, mediatization and documentation of the theater and the show in Portugal, under a tutorial and autonomous working regime.
e. Encourage critical inquiry and the ability to enunciate and solve problems through oral presentations, essays and reviews, as well as the exploration of IT (blog, moodle).


1. Gil Vicente and the theater in the 16th century court. Antecedents, European models and Iberian circumstances. The post-Gil Vicente theater.
2. Plurality of spectacular manifestations between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries: authors, contexts, works.
3. Portuguese theater in the nineteenth century. Garrett and the National Theater.
4. Eighteenth-finissecular trend lines: from the topical drama to the naturalistic drama. Theaters, companies, actors.
5. The theater in the twentieth century: from the Republic to the end of Estado Novo.
6. Revolution, renovation, trends 20-21.

Teaching Methods

The UC includes classes of expository nature (with supporting materials: documents, primary and secondary texts, audio-visual registers, etc.). However, the development of the course will focus on the participation and active work of the students, integrated, according to the norms in force in U. de Évora and its Evaluation Regulation, within the preferential scope of a continuous evaluation.
Two assessment regimes - continuous and final - are chosen by the student during the semester. In the continuous assessment regime, the student participates regularly, presents and defends a written research work. A written test of frequency replaces or complements the above elements.
The final evaluation scheme provides for a written exam, for which all the summary material will be eligible for the semester, as well as the set of texts indicated for compulsory reading throughout the semester. An examination program provides the necessary guidelines for its preparation.

Teaching Staff