Text and Scene Dramaturgy

Name: Text and Scene Dramaturgy
Code: ARC12574L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The changes focus on the Bibliography (updated)

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Develop an understanding of the tools that are used for dramaturgy of the text and of the stage.
- To know and to apply the models of drama analysis according to the main poetics of writing and performing theatre.
- to know the artistic practice of written and performed drama at the key-periods of its historical evolution.
Intellectual Skills:
- Capacity to read and interpret theatrical texts and performances.
- Ability to relate the textual production and the stage production of plays.
Practical Skills:
- Ability to produce critical analysis of written and performed plays.
- Ability to compare the textual analysis of plays with their performed version.
Interpersonal Skills:
-Ability of interacting by mean of oral and writing communication.
Instrumental Skills:
-Ability to use tools for dramaturgical analysis by producing artistic proposals based on text.


1. 1. Framing the UC in the field of Theatre Studies. 2. Origin and development of Dramaturgy as an historical área of theatre practice in the Modern and Contemporary Age from Diderot and Lessing to Brecht. 3. New approaches in the last decades of XXth century : the role of the spectator; dramaturgy and performance.
1.1.2. Dramaturgy of the text. Theatrical poetics and writting practice of drama: an historical perspective. 2. Dramaturgy as a practice of reading a texto; critical analysis of key-concepts: theatrical gender; carácter; action and fabula.
1.1.3. Dramaturgy of the text to (and of ) the stage: the text “performed.
2. Study of cases on the basis of vídeotapes of a corpus of authors and plays in contemporary performances:
a) The Invention of classic comedy in France in the plays of Molière.
b) Elizabethian Dramaturgy: statute of the text and of the stage in the Shakespearian Drama.
c) Perception and Interpretation of tragic and comic in Tchekov’s dramaturgy.

Teaching Methods

The teaching provided in the curricular unit is based on two structuring methodological aspects:
1) the work carried out in the face-to-face collective sessions;
2) the individual or group work of research and production of critical texts or comments on the subjects and cases studied.

The first part involves the active participation of the student, where he / she should draw on the knowledge gathered in the previous reading. Such support should stimulate and facilitate individual participation in the dialogue and debate around the issues raised by the works (as texts and as proposals of creators in their staged version).

The second part consists of the extension of the work accompanied by the teacher in class, with a materials research, data gathering and organization for the drafting of the evaluation elements, including short oral presentations and a final paper of essayistic nature.

Teaching Staff