New Media Technologies II

Name: New Media Technologies II
Code: VIS12798L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Arte Multimédia

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course aims to provide students with a solid introductory foundation in the creation of artistic graphic
Students will have a broad introduction to the elementary concepts in creating programs that will apply in the
construction of exercises and an individual final project.
The student will be encouraged to structure the thinking in order to solve artistic problems through computer
The programming language Processing will be used to illustrate the concepts covered.
At the end of the course, students are expected to have the necessary tools to create artistic graphics programs
on the computer and on the internet.


1. Origins of artistic programming of machines. Some artists and pioneering works.
2. Computer structure and topology. Common data input and output devices and average.
3. Logic of programming languages. Essential structures of a program, the code, the process of compiling,
linking and executing a program.
4. Introduction to the Java programming language through Processing.
5. Know key elements of code: variables, conditions, cycles, matrices, functions. Know how to interconnect code
elements in building a program. Basic concepts of mathematics for programming.
6. Master the coordinates of the graphic window, color systems and the essential graphic primitives: point, line,
rectangle, ellipse.
7. Introduction to notions of movement of graphical forms / animation by code.
8. Introduction and use of object-oriented programming. Notions of classes, objects, polymorphism.
9. Introduction to the analysis and interactions of input data: mouse, keyboard, sound, video, sensors.
10. Use of Processing to create graphical programs that run on your computer as applications or in HTML pages
such as javascript.

Teaching Methods

The methodology of the discipline essentially follows an expository methodology in which the fundamental
concepts associated with artistic programming are explained and analyzed. Students will be encouraged to
immerse themselves in the logic programming exploring concepts through exercises and practical examples
provided by the teacher, first modifying and refining the examples so they can then create new programs from
their own ideas, solving the logical structure of the program from original idea to the embodiment.
During the semester there will be continuous evaluation tests and a final evaluation. In the final evaluation the
students are evaluated by a jury composed by the teacher of the course and other teachers of the course, who
will appreciate the work developed globally and assign a final quantitative classification.
During the semester will be released fortnightly exercises related to the material discussed until the moment of
delivery and evaluation. Some classes will also incorporate a practical component of monitoring a micro-project
to be developed during the semester.
The assessment scheme in the discipline is the Continuous Assessment and will consist of three points:
fortnightly exercises; a micro-project to be developed during the semester; and attendance and participation in

The evaluation consists of the following weighting:
• Biweekly Exercises: 10 points
• Micro-projects: 8 points
• Attendance and Participation: 2 points

Standard Season (Continuous Assessment + Final Assessment)
Continuous Assessment (60%)
• 50% attendance
• 50% exercises made by the student on different small circuits (made during class)
Final Assessment (40%)
• Jury evaluation.