Technical and Industrial Heritage

Name: Technical and Industrial Heritage
Code: HIS12115L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Awareness for the importance of the Technical and Industrial Heritage
- Acquiring the knowledge required for the identification of the Heritage of Technology and Industry.
- Recognition of the importance of the Technical and Industrial Heritage in today's society.
- Knowledge of the different strategies for preserving and increasing awareness for the value of the
Industrial Heritage
Perception of the role that projects meant to increase awareness for the value of Ind.l Heritage may have in
the dynamics of regions that are no longer industrial
- Understanding the vocabulary and conceptualization inherent to this Heritage
- Capacity to identify and characterize objects, spaces and structures of the technological and industrial
- Capacity to elaborate projects of management and enhancement of Technical and Industrial Heritage.
- Capacity to develop investigation in this area.


Identification of Technical and Industrial Heritage
Definition and interconnection of several specific types of Technical and Industrial Heritage: Engineering
Heritage;Heritage Railway;Heritage Public Works;Mining Heritage
Spaces, institutions and actors of the Technical and Industrial Heritage: factories and engineering
laboratories, engineers, technicians and entrepreneurs
Technical and industrial heritage and its links with the territory in which is inscribed: structural and
functional development of the regions and construction of identities
Technical innovation and the emergence of technical and industrial landscapes
The city as a museum of the Technical and Industrial Heritage
Exhibitions, collections and museums connected with the Technical and Industrial HeritageConversion and
diverse new usages for Industrial Heritage
The management and enhancement of Technical and Industrial Heritage
Technical and Industrial Heritage and Cultural tourism

Teaching Methods

Theoretical and practical lessons in the classroom, comment texts, case analysis and study visits.
Evaluation can be made according to the system of continuous evaluation or under the exams system.
Under continuous evaluation the student will have to carry out a written work and he/she will also have to
present and discuss that same work.
Tutorial Regime: providing that the course is given under tutorial authority the rules for evaluation,
attendance and tutorial are defined by the professor and the students
A. Attendance Policies
1. Elaboration of a practical work (to be defined between the student and the professor) and presentation
and discussion of the presented work (50%)
2. Evaluation teste (50%).
B. Regime de exame/ exams Policy
Written exam about the lectured subjects