Medieval Society and Culture

Name: Medieval Society and Culture
Code: HIS12106L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand and incorporate the development parameters of the contemporary world in its relations with
the Past; recognize in general terms the social and cultural diversity of Europe and the Mediterranean
throughout the Medieval period; identify the key structural turning points; apprehend, identify, and
contextualize cultural and heritage products; integrate ideas of comparison, diversity, contact and social
and cultural interaction; apprehend and discuss concepts.
In this sense, it is intended that students acquire knowledge to properly frame the heritage production in
the medieval context, in a perspective of cultural interaction; develop critical and abstract thinking;
develop analysis, critical and autonomous work capacities, namely in group; progressively internalize the
relationship between past and present in order to build critical thinking and active citizenship.


1. Between Europe and the Mediterranean
1.1 Who are we? Present and Medieval Times
1.2 Discussing concepts: societies and cultures in a long term perspective
2. From the end of the Empire to the 10th century: mutations continuities, ruptures
2.1 Political context
2.2 The origin and expansion of a new religion: Islam
2.3 Languages and cultures: the origin of the European culture
2.4 Between the two shores of the Mediterranean: societies and cultures in contact
2.5 Cultural heritage
3. Europe and the Mediterranean between the 11th and rhe 13th century
3.1 Political context
3.2 Demographic and society
3.3 Latin culture and Arabic culture
3.4 Frontier societies: between the Christian and the Islamic Mediterranean
3.5 Cultural heritage
4. Europe and the Mediterranean in transformation: 14th-15th centuries
4.1 Political context
4.2 Societies “in crisis”
4.3 Expansionisms: Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean
4.4 Cultural Emergences: from Ibn Khaldoun to the humanism
4.5 Cultural heritage

Teaching Methods

It is intended an active methodology based in the constant and tutored work of the students, duly framed
by a conceptual grammar and a theoretical approach introduced by teachers. Continuous assessment will
consist of a workgroup, monitored in tutorial classes (50%), contemplating a proposal of enhancement of
cultural heritage, a test (30%), and a rapport of a study visit or a paper in a scientific meeting (20%).
Optionally, there is the evaluation by final exam.