History of Medieval Portugal

Name: History of Medieval Portugal
Code: HIS02394L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This discipline proposes a political perspective of the History of Portugal (12th to the 15th centuries), from the origin of the Portuguese kingdom to the beginning of the Early Modern era.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To analyze globally the genesis and evolution of Medieval Portugal between the 8th and 15th century, in a basis eminently of political History. For this reason the process of construction of the kingdom and of royal power are two main objectives of this program and they are studied in a comparative basis with others peninsular kingdoms and with the process of royal power that occur in Western Europe during this time. In this context the study of the process of construction of Portuguese royal power has three main levels of analyze: the construction of the territory, of royal legitimacy and of the administrative network.
Ability to analyze a text frame and the conditions of its production, ability to understand the different discursive and historiographical models, ability to understand the temporal evolution.


I The Iberian Peninsula from 8th to 10 th century: land and landlords
1 The Muslim Invasion. From the Emirate to the caliphate. The coexistence of religions.
2 The Leonese kingdom of Asturias. The territorial advance of 9th and 10th centuries
II From the county to the regnum
3 The nobility and the construction of the portuguese county.
4 The government of the county: from D Henry to D Teresa and the demand for political autonomy
5 From S. Mamede to the Manifestis Probatum
III The construction of the regnum: The power of royalty (1128-1325)
6 Reconquest and territory
7 The limits of royalty: 1211-1245
8 The reign of Alphonse III and the organization of king Denis
IV The construction of the regnum: institutions and agents (1128-1325)
9 To rule the kingdom: the basis of the administration
10 The write of memory: the royal chancery and his agents
V The 14th century
11 The causes of the crisis
12 The political instability and the crisis of 1383-85
VI The Avis dynasty

Teaching Methods

The teaching of this course aims to coordinate lectures with comments of sources and historiographical texts that equips the student, on the one hand, with the ability to read critically and analyze original sources and, secondly, to enable it to understand the evolution of historiographical models of analysis of this period.
In terms of evaluation elements we propose a final assessment by a written test and a continuous assessment, which includes participation and oral comment of texts, two weitten tests and a group work with themes previously chosen and discussed.