Final Paper

Name: Final Paper
Code: PAO11389L
Duration: 15 weeks/520 hours
Scientific Area: Environment and Ecology Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The student should take contact with the world of work doing an internship in entities that have protocol with the University of Évora, or even at the University of Évora for research.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Application of knowledge and skills. Improve autonomy and critical spirit in general and in the topic choice and work planning. Execution, reporting and communicating results.


The final work, to be presented in its own model, is a research project / application on a topic which may be either theoretical or supported by empirical evidence, resulting from practical work experience on an agency, public or private institution, or company (internships) or from a research action (project). The contents of the final paper must be related to one or more of the subject areas of the study program. Students may decide to write the final paper in Portuguese or in English.

Teaching Methods

Tutorial orientation. Students' assessment results from the paper, presentation and discussion.

Teaching Staff