Introduction to Neuroscience

Name: Introduction to Neuroscience
Code: DES10658L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The UC makes an introduction to the evidence of neurosciences scientific knowledge supporting human behavior.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Mastering the terminology associated with neurophysiological processes and involved structures` anatomy-morphology.
Understand central and peripheral nervous system (NS) organization and correlate each specific structure with its function, biochemical characteristics and behavior.
Identify the systems involved in movement, emotion and behavior control.
Understanding how sensory information is transduced and transmitted into the NS, information process, and how this information is translates into movement through effectors.
Identify NS structures associated with specific functions or actions (e.g. motor control, emotional and cognitive activity), realize their functioning and their relationships with human behavior.
Understand the major interrelations between the NS, motor skills and human behavior.
Create paradigms knowledge related with organization, adaptation, adjustment, and behavior control depending on environment.
Develop research and investigation skills in the scientific area.


Anatomical and functional organization of the nervous system (micro and macro)
Organizational principles that govern the structure and functioning of the nervous system (micro and macro).
Morphology and physiological processes of functioning of nerve cells
The nerve stimulus
Reception, transduction, transmission and processing of stimulus.
Process and transmission of information for performance (motor or otherwise)
Anatomy, organization and morphology of the different constituents of the central nervous system to perform their specific functions
Specific sensory reception
Structuring, planning and motor control
Emotion, cognition and motor action
Cognition and emotion in motor activities
Embodied cognition
Higher cortical functions, language and motor skills

Teaching Methods

This UC involves collective, tutorial guidance and assessment sessions, and includes theoretical work sessions - expository methods, using PowerPoint presentations or other means - e.g. videos - and with thematic discussions - and laboratory practice work sessions - are proposed tasks involving the experimentation of instruments to evaluate the parameters investigated in neurosciences, laboratory experiments realization, and the respective critical analysis based on research in scientific sources.
The evaluation complies with the Internal School Regulations. In continuous evaluation, students take two written theoretical tests (each with 40% weight) and theoretical-practical work (20%), with each student obtaining a positive classification (10 points) in both components.
Students can be evaluated by a written test in exam regime (100% of the classification), requiring a positive classification (10 points).

Teaching Staff