Aesthetics of Landscape and Nature

Name: Aesthetics of Landscape and Nature
Code: FIL10043O
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Landscape Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- introducing and articulating philosophical aesthetics and landscape architecture through a threefold
Phenomenological procedure: sensitization, problematization, ‘conversion’

- highlightening the cultural, historical, artistic and ethical dimensions involved in an aesthetics of landscape and in a philosophy of nature

- combining the acquisition of theoretical skills and experience-based understanding about the different subject-matters

- presenting the state of art of the debates at the core of this discipline, promoting the active participation of the students in the network of the current discussions

- develloping the following e-skills: the cultural and intelectual autonomy of the online student; the ability to build knowledge through the proper cooperative synergies of the learning community, combinig classic and online research; competences such as arguing, exposing, demonstrating; self-discipline in the colective organization of the tasks; proficiency in reflectively tackling the themes discussed in the forum


- introduction to the aesthetical theory and experience: painting and landscape in the cinema (Kurosawa) – Phenomenological conceptions of the aesthetical perception and of the work of art (Merleau-Ponty, José Gil)
- Phenomenological reexposition of Kant’s aesthetics
- The nature/culture relation and the ethical dimension of Aesthetics (Adorno, Descola, Kac)
- introduction to a philosophy and aesthetics of nature (Merleau-Ponty, Adorno)
- the different landscape theory perspectives and the contemporary debates: Assunto, Roger, Kessler, Berleant, Carlson, Brady, Saito
- Nature and landscape in the visual arts: from the dutch landscape painters to the thematic organization of this domain in the contemporary museum

Teaching Methods

The e-learning paradygm provides the very methodological approach which translates into the basic structure of the syllabus. Open sourceware research, as well as individual and e-learning cooperative work, will lead to the colective and/or individual production of written texts (extremely precise glossary entries, source research reports, forum discussions, small essay), which in turn will be criss-crossingly submitted to the critical evaluation and commentaries from the other subgroups involved, observing a rather strict calendar of activities under the guidance of the teacher/coordinator. The intended result is the colective construction in text form of the very knowledge to be acquired (within a process submitted to a purposedly tightened space-time schedulle).
All the e-learning moments are constantly being assessed on a feedback learning basis according to precise instructions, thus embedding evaluation in the learning process as such.

Teaching Staff