Congress Attendance / Organisation of a Scientific Conference

Name: Congress Attendance / Organisation of a Scientific Conference
Code: LLT09357D
Duration: 15 weeks/280 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To learn about the structure, the purposes and the dinamics of scientific events, through the attendance at a Congress or a Colloquium, or through the organisation of a Scientific Event on research work carried out by the students.
2. To provide further advanced training through the attendance at scientific events, chosen by each student on proposal of their teachers.
3. To encourage the development of communication skills as well as of scientific exchanges.
4. To develop the ability to understand and synthesise scientific contents, through short reporting of both lectures and papers.
5. To develop the ability to analyse content and to articulate coherent scientific discourse, through critical reporting.


The contents of this curricular unit are not systematically defined, but adapted to the topics of Congresses or other scientific events to be selected with the students. Therefore, contents are developed in accordance with the students' cientific areas of interest.

Teaching Methods

Applied research on scientific events.
Bibliographical research on the topics of the selected events.
Meetings to be held with the teacher and permanent contact through the platform Moodle.

Submission of a critical report on lectures and papers presented at scientific events and on their contribution to the students' research work.