Thermal Solar Energy Technologies

Name: Thermal Solar Energy Technologies
Code: EME10371M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Renewable Energy Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The contents taught are related with the most advanced technologies of solar energy harvesting and conversion for thermal and thermoelectric uses. This is a fundamental area for the development of renewable energies and, therefore, for sustainable development.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The student should acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to configure and scale solar thermal
applications aimed at the low temperatures, medium and high.
• The main applications are to be addressed AQS, Climate Control, Process Heat and thermoelectricity, but will
also be addressed, though not with the same detail, very high temperature applications including materials
processing, thermal chemistry, synthetic fuels, new energy carriers, as a means of providing comprehensive
information on the topic of solar thermal
• There will be concern to the student participate in the testing of flat plate collectors and concentrators
(including high concentration) in order to familiarize themselves with the operational constraints of the


1.. Introduction
2. Thermal applications at temperatures up to 80 ° C
3. Applications at medium temperatures (80 ° C

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology and planned activities
Lectures theoretical and practical
visits with Professor concentration solar systems
Laboratory Practice: test concentrators
The teaching is based on classroom lectures and practices, visits to solar concentration and determination
of performance of solar collectors and merger plans. Search will be an active learning that encourages
students to research the various issues raised in this discipline.
Alongside the problems solved in class, work will be undertaken in order to draft various types of solar
systems, including the calculation of its annual energy performance.
Methodology and evaluation criteria
The elements of assessment are classified using the interval [0.20].
The assessment consists of:
• Problems solved at home 20%
• Work design of solar systems 30%
• Final exam 50%.
3.3.8. Demonstração da coerência

Teaching Staff