Dissertation, Project Paper and Internship
A studies cycle conferring the master's degree (integrated master or 2nd cycle) includes in its study plan a dissertation of a scientific nature or a project, original and specially carried out for this purpose, or a professional internship subject to final report, under the terms defined in the study plan published in the course creation policy, which corresponds to a minimum of 30 credits.
Students who intend to carry out the Dissertation or Project or Internship of a professional nature which are the subject of a final report, must register annually in CU D / T / E until their delivery and admission application to public tests.
Master students must submit a project proposal in the academic year in which they make the first enrollment in the DTE Curricular Unit.
Only students enrolled in CU DTE or CU Internship can submit a proposal for a Dissertation or Project or Internship, in the case of Integrated Masters.Before submitting the project proposal, the respective work plan must be analyzed and revised with the Course Director so that the student can incorporate any suggestions for improvement before the deadline established in the Academic Procedures Calendar for submitting the project.In the case of Veterinary Medicine students, they can only start the Internship with a maximum of two curricular units in arrears, as long as they do not belong to the scientific area of the internship project proposal.Students of the masters who provide professionalization for teaching enrolled in CU Supervised Teaching Practice and students enrolled in CU Internship within Nursing Masters must submit a project proposal under the respective Regulations, available in SIIUE and in the course documents.
The project must be submitted through an online application, via the GesDoc platform (sending by e-mail or paper is not allowed.)
Required Documents
- Project and work plan through Print T-005;
- Declaration(s) of acceptance of the mentor(s);
- Curriculum of the mentor(s) in case of not having a PhD.
Projects that involve experimentation with people and biological material of human origin must be the object of an opinion by the Ethics Committee and the student must attach the appropriate form
at the time of delivery of the project.
Projects involving experimentation with animals must be the object of an opinion by ORBEA-UÉ (Organ Responsible for Animal Welfare at the University of Évora), and the student must attach the appropriate form
at the time of delivery of the project.
Until the 15th of November of the first year in which the student enrolls in CU DTE or CU Internship or CU PES.
After the Course Director issues an opinion and submits it to the Ethics Committee or ORBEA-UÉ, if applicable, the School's Scientific Council decides on the approval or non-approval of the project proposal, and the student is registered and notified in his profile in SIIUE about the data related to the approved project.
In the event that, reasonably, the project is not approved, the student has 20 days after the date of notification, to submit the reformulated project in GesDoc with the documents mentioned above.
In case of intending to make any changes to the previously approved Dissertation / Project / Internship Project, be it the change of title, of the supervisor (s), the language in which it is written, etc., the student will have to submit a request for changing the project, which must be accompanied by the opinion of the Mentor on the proposed change.
Proposals for changes to the project must be submitted up to 30 days before the student proceeds to deliver the dissertation / internship report / project.
The change request must be submitted in the same manner as the project, accompanied by Form T-005 and the Declaration(s) of acceptance of the mentor(s).
Students of 2nd cycle courses - Master's that provide professional qualification for teaching in Pre-School Education and in Basic and Secondary Education must perform the Supervised Teaching Practice(s), in the stipulated curricular year / semester in the Master's study plan.
Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) is a component of education that integrates general educational training, specific didactics, cultural, social and ethical training, training in educational research methodologies and training in the field of teaching, which it aims at the personal and professional development of the future the teacher, through the initiation of professional practice in a certain field of qualification for teaching.
Only students who have obtained the number of minimum credits set for entry to the respective Master's degree and have successfully completed the "Specific Didactics" training component in the CU STP under the terms of the Supervised Teaching Practice Regulation and its change.
For the curricular units of STP, it is necessary to pre-register, using a specific form , to be delivered to the Academic Services in the first half of July, the period prior to the academic year in which the STP will take place.
The distribution of students, who will attend STP in basic and secondary education by the cooperating schools, will be announced at the end of July and in the case of masters with two STP, it will be announced at the beginning of the semester in which STP is held.
- STP Day Care Placement , in the second semester of 2020
- STP Pre-School PREPREI placements , in the second semester of 2020
The final classification of students in CU STP will be weighted by the performance in the internship developed in the cooperating schools (0.65) and the STP Report (0.35), assessed by the public defense jury of the STP Report(s).
The launching of the final classification in the CU STP (s) will only take place after the public tests have been carried out. In the case of completing the internship, but not submitting the report, the student must register with CU STP in the following academic year (s) until submitting the report and requesting public proofs.
The student who is unable to deliver the Thesis / D / P / IR within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar must proceed with enrollment in CU DTE or CU Internship in the subsequent academic year (s), maintaining the maximum number of registrations defined in the scope of the prescriptions .
In the case of duly proven illness, the student may request, through GesDoc, an extension of the deadline for the delivery of the Dissertation, Project Paper or Internship Report, for a period equivalent to that in which the student was prevented from carrying out the work. The application must be made within a maximum period of 3 months after the period of illness.
Students taking advantage of the special regime of attendance of student mothers and fathers in a given academic year may request, through GesDoc, an extension of the deadline for delivery of the Dissertation, Project Work or Internship Report, for a period equivalent to parental leave.
After the end of the extension period, if the student does not proceed with the delivery and request for admission to tests, the installments are due, in order to be able to proceed with the delivery later.All requests for extension delivered that do not fit in the situations above will be rejected outright.
Masters (2nd cycle) and Integrated Masters students enrolled in Dissertation / Project / Internship Report and with approved project must proceed with the delivery of the scientific work in order to request admission to public tests.
The request for admission to public tests can only be instructed and submitted to the School's Scientific Council, if the student:
- has included in the application all the required documents;
- has completed the curricular part of the master's degree;
- is not a debtor of tuition fees. If you have requested a phased payment plan for the debt, the evidence cannot be processed until the plan has been completed and the debt has been settled.
Under the terms of the specific STP regulations, the student can only request public tests after approval in the respective internship(s).After analysis of the request for admission to tests by the Academic Services, you will be notified, by message in SIIUE, if the process was properly instructed. In case it is not, the delivery will not be considered, being due the payment of tuition fees due until the order is properly instructed.
The submission must be made through an online application, via the GesDoc platform (not being allowed to be sent by e-mail or in paper form), and the student is notified through the SIIUE, if the submission is successfully completed. If the notification isn´t received within 24 working hours after submitting the application, the student should contact the Academic Services.
Required Documents
When requesting admission to public tests, the following documents must be attached in digital format (unencrypted pdf and the sum of all files must not exceed 128Mb):
- Application for admission to public tests (model T-006 );
- Dissertation, Project or Internship Report in accordance with the approved project and in accordance with norms foreseen in RAUÉ, namely:
- Contain abstract in portuguese and abstract in english (top of the thesis title in the same language), each up to 150 words (without mathematical formulas, diagrams or other illustrative materials);
- The cover and the cover sheet must be extracted from the student's profile, at SIIUE, option Dissertation> Issue Cover;
- Opinion (s) of the mentor(s);
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Declaration (PT or EN ), under honor, regarding the originality of the work, and that you are aware that, under the terms of the law, scientific work will be deposited at the UÉ Digital Repository.
Admission to public tests with delivery of thesis, dissertations, internship reports or project, according to the Academic Procedures Calendar , must be done at October 15, 2022. Students enrolled in UC, D/TP/E and with a project approved in 2021/2022, who deliver up to that date do not pay tuition fees in 2022/2022, despite having registered in 2022/2023.
If the application for admission to public examinations in the 2nd cycle is not made by that date, and provided you have only enrolled in the DTE within the deadlines set for 2022/2023, you will not be required to pay the installments due after the date of submission, as long as you have paid the entire tuition fee for one academic year in the 2nd cycle.
After a jury meeting, in the case of a Clearing Order with a reformulation decision, the student has 70 non-extendable days, counting from the date of registration in the notification mail, to proceed with the reformulation of the dissertation / internship report / project or declare that intends to keep the work unchanged.
The copy of the revised dissertation / internship report / project must be delivered online, through the GesDoc platform, and must have attached:
- Model T-009 application for admission to public tests after reformulation;
- Dissertation, Project or Internship Report in accordance with the reformulation proposals and in accordance with rules provided for in RAUÉ. Alternatively, the student can submit a declaration that he intends to keep the work as it was initially submitted;
- Opinion(es) of the mentor(s);
It is considered to have waiver if, after the aforementioned period, the candidate does not present or the reformulated thesis or the declaration that he intends to keep it as presented.
The student must deliver his Thesis / Dissertation / Project Papers / Internship Report, with the changes suggested by the jury, after approval in public tests. According to the law, Dissertations, Project Papers and Internship Reports are subject to the National Registry of Theses and Dissertations (RENATES) and the mandatory deposit of a digital copy in the repository that is part of the network of the Open Access Scientific Repository of Portugal (RCAAP).
The submission must be made through an online application, via the GesDoc platfom (sending by e-mail or paper is not allowed).
Required Documents
- Form T-007 (PT or EN ) - Validation of the Mentor on the changes contained in the Minutes of the public tests;
- Dissertation, Project Paper or Internship Report with the changes suggested by the jury (in digital format);
- Declaration (PT or EN ), under honor, as you know that, under the terms of the law, scientific work will be deposited in the Digital Repository of UÉ.
The cover, cover sheet and composition of the Jury to be included in the work must be extracted from the Student profile, at SIIUE, option Dissertation> Issue Cover.
The deposit of the work must be made within a maximum period of 30 days after the tests in a public act.
Failure to deliver copies with the validation of the Mentor, invalidates the issuance of the diploma of the degree and acquisition of any proof of success in public tests.
Regulations and Guides
- Decree-Law nº74/2006, 24 of March
- Portaria 285/2015, 15 of September
- Academic Regulation of the University of Évora
For more information, please consult SAC.ONLINE , the Online Services Desk for Academic Services.
Click here to see the service hours and contacts of Academic Services.