

Through the enrollment student acquire the student status of the University of Évora and the right to enroll in Curricular Units, being assigned a student number.

The enrollment remains valid until the end of your course, as long as it is not canceled under the terms set out in the Academic Regulation of the University of Évora.


In order to be a student at the University of Évora and have access to all the resources that are available, you must register according to the procedures below.

To register, you need to access the University of Évora Information System - SIIUE:

Step 1 - Access SIIUE 

Step 2 - Use your credentials:

Step 3 - Select the "Enrolment" option. The following scanned documents are required:

  • photo in jpg format
  • scanned ID document with ID number in jpg or pdf format
  • prerequisites form (1) filled in by the doctor if the Bachelor's or Integrated Master's course requires it

Step 4 - Fill in the form. See the tutorial "How to register ".

Step 5 - Finish enrolling by clicking on CONFIRM.

Step 6 - Check the e-mail address entered in the application for the notification confirming your enrolment. 

The credentials correspond to the username and password to access the UÉ Integrated Information System (SIIUE), and the credentials to register depend on the form of access and the place where the application was submitted:

  • Application submitted online at the UÉ through the SIIUE, the student already has credentials to access the SIIUE, and must use the same credentials from the application to register
  • Application submitted to DGES, within the scope of the National Access Competition, the student must use as credentials: user: e-mail address entered in the application to DGES

Password: the password contained in the email sent by DGES to the student informing them of their placement.

  • application submitted to DGES, within the scope of the competition for Holders of Secondary Vocational Courses the student must use as credentials:

-user: e-mail address entered in the application to DGES

-password: identification number entered in the application at DGES

  •  application submitted to DGES, within the scope of the Special Regimes competition, the student must enrol in person at the Academic Services of the University of Évora.

In the event of being placed at the University of Évora on a Bachelor's or Integrated Master's degree course subject to prerequisites, the student must attach the prerequisite form for the respective course when registering online.

The prerequisite form to be attached, duly completed by a doctor registered with the Portuguese Medical Association, must be the following to be obtained from the DGES website:


  • Nursing, Group A Prerequisites - Interpersonal Communication
  • Veterinary Medicine, Group B Prerequisites - Interpersonal Communication
  • Sports Sciences, Group E Prerequisites - Functional and Physical Aptitude
  • Architecture, Prerequisites from Group F - Visual and Motor Ability
  • Fine Arts and Multimedia, Group F prerequisites - Visual and Motor Ability
  • Design, Group F Prerequisites - Visual and Motor Ability

By 31 October of the year of admission, the student must submit the original of the pre-requisite to the Academic Services ( see how to make an appointment  ).

As long as the prerequisite has not been handed in, you will not be able to obtain proof of enrolment and if you do not hand in the prerequisite by the deadline, your placement and enrolment will be annulled.

The Academic Services offer the following means of providing support to students:

During the enrolment period for the National Access Competition, the following means are available:

  • Telephone during the enrolment period: 266 760 222 from 9:30 to 16:00
  • WhatsApp messages: 931910381

After registering, students will receive a message in their personal email account (the same email they used to register) with instructions on how to set their password to access SIIUE as a student. Once this password has been set, it is immediately valid and the student can access SIIUE and other UÉ digital platforms and resources.


If for some reason the student does not receive the email with the instructions, they can always use the "forgot my password" procedure.

After enrolling, the student must ensure:

1) Validation of the documents included in the application, for which it must:

1.1)Present the qualification documents (except those placed by the CNA) exactly the same as those included in the application, which may be presented in one of the following ways, within 30 (thirty) consecutive days of enrolment:

a) In person, at the Academic Services (see how to schedule), upon presentation of the original documents that were submitted digitally in the application;

b) By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, sending a certified copy of the original documents. The certification of that documents must be carried out by a national public entity, CTT, Notaries, Lawyers, Solicitors, Registries, Parish Councils, or Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in accordance with the combined provisions of article 363 of the Civil Code with article 38 of Decree-Law no. 76-A/2006, of May 29, in the current wording;

c) By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, by sending the original documents that were submitted digitally in the application. Universidade de Évora cannot be responsible, under any circumstances, for the loss of documents. The originals will be returned to the student in person, when they present themselves at the Academic Services.


They are dismissed from presenting the documents referred to in point 1):

  • • Candidates placed through the National Access Competition;
  • • Candidates placed through Special Regimes established in Decree-Law no. 64-A/2023 of July 31, in the current wording;
  • • Candidates placed through Re-entry, who have carried out, on their first admission registration, the provisions set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article;
  • • Placed candidates who have obtained the qualifications declared in the application at the Universidade de Évora;
  • • Placed candidates who have submitted a digital document of unequivocal authenticity in their application, in non-editable PDF format and with a qualified electronic signature, affixed by the competent authorities, and subject to validation by the services.


1.2) Present the identification document, by October 31st of the academic year of enrollment, as referred in paragraph a) or b) of point 1.1) above mentioned. The international students must also present the visa.

1.3) Submit the prerequisite form, in the case of candidates placed on a graduation or integrated master degree, until October 31st of the academic year of enrollment, in accordance with paragraph a) of point 1.1. above mentioned. The prerequisite form is made available by DGES and must be completed by a doctor registered in the Order of Doctors, in Portugal, and inserted during online registration.

The Documents to be sent by post must be sent to the following address: Academic Services of the Universidade de Évora, Largo dos Colegiais, Apartado 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal

2) Pay the first installment of tuition fees, registration fee and scholar insurance within 30 days after registration, and consult in SIIUE the “Payment Amounts”, using the credentials received in the email after registration. The deadlines and payment methods can be consulted in the Fee Regulations, which you must be aware of when enrolling at Universidade de Évora.

Until the procedures referred to in 1) and 2) above are completed, it cannot be issued any proof of enrollment or any certification document, however you can obtain a Acceptance letter from SIIUE after paying the first installment of tuition fees and validated the documents referred to in point 1.1).

Failure to comply with the above procedures in 1) and 2) within the stipulated deadlines will result in your enrolment being cancelled and you losing your right to a place, but this does not mean that the tuition fees, enrolment fee and school insurance due as a result of your enrolment will be cancelled, and you will be considered a debtor under the terms of the Tuition Fees Regulations. If you withdraw from the course, you will have to request cancellation of your enrolment under the terms set out in the Tuition Fees Regulations .

3) Access to SIIUE with student credentials to:

  • • Consult the study plan to find out which curricular units you must complete in each academic year, which are mandatory and which optionals you can and should enroll in annually.
  • • Obtain proof of enrollment and registration
  • • Make/change registrations
  • • Consult timetables
  • • Request Special Attendance Schemes (student workers, student parents, students with learning support needs, etc.)
  • • Consult notifications
  • • Consult Payment Amounts
  • • Consult Regulations, Calendars and Academic Guide


Enrollment in non-degree courses with 30 ECTS or less

In the case of enrolment on these courses, the above procedures apply, but with the following deadlines:

1 - Present the qualifications documents exactly the same as those entered in the application, and the presentation may be made in one of the following ways, within 3 (three) consecutive days of enrollment:

a) In person, at the Academic Services (see how to schedule), upon presentation of the original documents that were submitted digitally in the application;

b) By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, sending a certified copy of the original documents. The certification of that documents must be carried out by a national public entity, CTT, Notaries, Lawyers, Solicitors, Registries, Parish Councils, or Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in accordance with the combined provisions of article 363 of the Civil Code with article 38 of Decree-Law no. 76-A/2006, of May 29, in the current wording;

c) By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, by sending the original documents that were submitted digitally in the application. Universidade de Évora cannot be responsible, under any circumstances, for the loss of documents. The originals will be returned to the student in person, when they present themselves at the Academic Services.

2 - Present the identification document, within 3 (three) consecutive days of enrolment, in the terms referred to in point 1) a) or b) above, and international students must also present the corresponding visa/residence permit.

3 - Pay the tuition fees (registration fee and school insurance included in the tuition fee) within 3 consecutive days of starting the course, and consult the “Amounts to be paid” in the SIIUE, with the credentials received in the mail after enrolment.  The deadlines and payment methods can be found in the Tuition Fees Regulations, which you should be aware of when enrolling at the UÉ.

Prescription is the loss of the right to enroll and do the annual registration when the student does not meet minimum performance criteria. In this case, the student will be prevented from applying and enrolling in the cycle of studies for a period of two consecutive semesters.

Students are subject to prescription if they do not complete enough ECTS (ECTS obtained through crediting are not considered), according to the following conditions:

Total ECTS of the study plan
obtained by the student

Maximum number of registrations

Less than 60


60 to 119


120 to 179


180 to 239


240 to 359




In the case of 2nd and 3rd cycle students, the student must obtain approval for the total ECTS of the master's or doctoral study plan in the maximum number of registrations mentioned in the table above.

  • Masters with 90 to 120 ECTS, maximum 4 academic years to complete the master's degree
  • Doctorates with 180 ECTS, maximum 5 academic years to complete the PhD
  • PhDs with more than 180 ECTS, maximum 6 academic years to complete the PhD

Additional information

If you prescribe you can subsequently apply for Re-entry  in the same study program, within the deadlines established annually by a rector's order.

The cancel enrollment is the act by which the student interrupts / suspend your studies, and is regulated under the Academic Regulation  of the University of Évora.

How to proceed

If you wish to cancel enrollment you must submit a request in your student profile at SIIUE-GESDOC .


In accordance with the Tuition Fees Regulations, if you request cancellation of registration by 31 October you will not be considered indebted for the outstanding instalments of that academic year, but you will remain indebted for the instalments due, the registration fee and the school insurance.

If the cancellation request is made between 31 October and 31 December you will only owe the instalments of the odd semester. After 31 December you will owe all the instalments of the school year.


The request can be made on any date taking into consideration three periods:

  • before November 30, all Curricular Units of the academic year will be canceled;
  • between November 30 and December 31, your enrollment is valid only for the first semester;
  • after December 31, your enrollment will be valid for the whole academic year.

Additional information

If you request a cancellation of your enrollment, you can subsequently apply for Re-entry  in the same study program, within the deadlines established annually by a rector's order. However you cannot re-enter under the following conditions:

  • If you request the annulment of the enrollment until October 31 in the same academic year when you entered the program. In this case, you need to apply again for admission.
  • If you request the annulment of the enrollment after October 31, you cannot re-enter in the subsequent academic year because, by law, there has to be an academic year of interruption of studies in order to apply for re-entry. However, you may re-enter later.
  • If the program you want to re-enter, is no longer accredited at the date of the request for re-entry.

In order to submit the thesis/dissertation/project work/internship report in the 2nd or 3rd cycle, the student must have paid at least the total amount of the tuition fee corresponding to

a) three academic years, in the case of 3rd cycle courses lasting 4 years

b) two academic years, in case of 3rd cycle courses lasting 3 years

c) one academic year, in case of 2nd cycle

d) one academic year in the case of re-entry and verification of the previous points

The student ID card will be essential for identifying yourself as a university student, for getting around the various areas of the UÉ and for streamlining your day-to-day life. You can choose the banking side of the card and add your ID card to your debit card.

Before applying for a student card, you must obtain proof of enrolment.

You can obtain your student card using one of the following options:

1 - In person at the Santo Agostinho building, between 1 September and 31 October (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 4pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 1pm), at the Caixa Geral de Depósitos service desk in room 2 of the building. A provisional card will be given to you until your definitive card arrives.

2 - You can visit a Caixa Geral de Depósitos branch in Évora and take the following documents with you:

  • Identification document (Citizen's Card, other);
  • Tax Identification Number;
  • Proof of enrollment in the 2024/25 school year.

3 - Joining online: It's simple, all you need is a Digital Mobile Key (which can be activated here). It is advisable to activate the digital signature at the same time as having the PIN. With your mobile key active, you can apply for your card online, wherever you want and at whatever time is most convenient, at https://caixaonboarding.cgd.pt . When applying, you must have your scanned ID document with you (front and back in separate images), a scanned passport photo with a white background and, if you choose a bank card, proof of address. (Note: This process is not available to foreign students with a residence permit or passport associated with the CMD).

If you choose a UÉvora card with a banking component - Caixa IU Card (free of charge), this will be sent by Caixa to your address. If you opt for an ID card only, this will be made available by UÉVORA at the Academic Services. You will be informed by e-mail when the card is ready so that you can pick it up at the Academic Services in the Santo Agostinho building.

Once you have your card, you must go to the Facilities Management Support Office, at the entrance to the Colégio do Espírito Santo, for the card to be validated when accessing buildings or parking lots (upon payment of the appropriate fees).

Ordinance no. 7-A/2024, of January 5, provides a sum of money that was intended to ensure free public transport passes for young students up to the age of 23 and defines the conditions for granting free passes to that students, as well as the procedures for making them operational.
Beneficiaries of the free pass for young students, in the under 23+TP student mode, are young people over the age of 18 and up to the last day of the month in which they turn 24, who are enrolled in a national educational institution, even if it is basic, secondary, professional or higher education, but needs an annual renovation.
Free passes for young students are made available by the entities that issue public transport tickets, made by a requirement by the interested parties, by filling the membership form, which must be accompanied by the following documents:
a) Presentation of the citizen's ID card or another valid document proving the date of birth;
b) In the case of a beneficiary over the age of 18, must submit a declaration issued by the educational establishment where the student is enrolled;
c) If the beneficiary wishes to have a pass that covers more than one AM or CIM, they must provide proof of their normal place of residence and a declaration of enrolment from the educational institution where they study.

The declaration for the purpose of obtaining the pass can be obtained by students enrolled and registered in study cycles, through the SIIUE in the student profile.


For more information, see the website of the Mobility and Transports Institute .

Regulations and Guides


For more information, please consult SAC.ONLINE , the Online Services Desk for Academic Services.

Click here  to see the service hours and contacts of Academic Services.