Students can request online the issuance of documents that certify the training obtained and / or their academic situation, and the certificate of UC approvals are issued on the spot at the Student Desk. The other certification documents are issued within a maximum period of 30 days after payment of the respective fees .
Under the terms of the Tuition Regulation, non-payment of tuition fees implies the failure to issue any diploma or certificate of completion, or any other information document on the student's academic career, in relation to the academic year to which the debt refers.
The Proof of Enrollment and Registration is free and must be issued annually, making this proof of:
- Student status in the current school year
- Frequency of the course in a given academic year
- Curricular Units to which the student is enrolled in a given academic year
This proof can be used for different purposes, such as:
- Family allowance
- Visas
- Bank loan applications
- Application for worker-student status (with the employer)
After authentication of the qualification documents included in the application (not applicable to students entering through the National Access Competition), payment of the fees within the deadlines stipulated in the Fees Regulation and validation of identification in the Academic Services, the student can obtain proof of enrolment and registration for a given academic year. In the case of students enrolling in in undergraduate degrees and Integrated Master courses with pre-requisites, the student will also have to deliver the original of the pre-requisites at the SAC in order to obtain the proof.
How to proceed
The proof of enrollment and registration must be obtained online, by the student himself, through his profile in the SIIUE . To do this, access the SIIUE with the authentication data and through the main menu choose the option Documents »Evidence, followed by the option Enrollment and Registration.
Complementary Information
The Proof of Registration and Enrollment issued through SIIUE is digitally certified. The document has a validation code that allows any external entity to verify its validity. This Proof will not be signed / stamped by the Academic Services since it already has the necessary elements to verify its validity and authenticity.
The Certificate of Approval contains the Curricular Units which the student has passed the in Course in which he is or has been enrolled.
The student can obtain the Certificate of Approval, provided that he / she has passed the CU in which he / she was enrolled at the University of Évora and as long as he / she is not a debt of tuition fees.In the case of attendance with the use of extra curricular units or isolated curricular units, the student is also entitled to a Certificate of Approval.
The request can be made in person at the Student Desk of Academic Services , being issued immediately (except for cases related to pre-Bologna master's or doctoral students, where the issue cannot be immediate).Alternatively, the request must be made at SIIUE, through the option Documents »Certification document requests.For applications from former students, only applications that clearly indicate the student's full name, the number and type of Identification Document, and the Course will be accepted. If you forget your password to access the SIIUE, consult the Online Service Desk .
When ordering online, you must register in the request, how you want to receive the document:
- In person at the Student Services Desk (upon request)
- Sending by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt (when in person reception is not possible)
The student must have updated contacts at SIIUE .
The Certificate of Approval has an associated cost as stipulated in the Fees Table in effect. The amounts due are made available in SIIUE (see Payment Values Guide ). The order is canceled in case of non-payment within 3 days after constant notification in SIIUE.
The Proof of Academic Achievement is free and proves that the student has achieved Academic Achievement in the academic year in question.This proof is intended to prove the student's academic achievement, namely for the purposes of: Family allowance
- Visas
- Bank loan applications
- Application for worker-student status (with the employer)
Under the terms of the Academic Regulation to obtain School Achievement, the student must:
- approval in UC that total at least 70% of the number of ECTS corresponding to a curricular year (60 ECTS full time, 30 ECTS part time), except in the case of the first year of enrollment at UÉ, in which that percentage it will be reduced to 50% (the UC ECTS obtained by accreditation and the ECTS of Extra-curricular Units are not counted);
- in the case of enrollment in a dissertation / internship report / project work, in the 2nd cycle or integrated master's degree, school performance is assessed based on the delivery of the dissertation / internship report / project work within the regulated deadline;
- in the scope of the 3rd cycle, if the thesis corresponds to 50% or less of the 60 ECTS, the academic achievement will be determined based on the achievement in 70% of the remaining ECTS. In the event that the thesis corresponds to more than 50% of the 60 ECTS, proof of academic achievement cannot be issued, however, the IIFA may be required to declare compliance with the research work plan, based on the research monitoring reports and the the advisor's opinion.
In the case of a student with a special worker-student regime, a student who has passed at least half of the UCs in which he / she is enrolled is considered to have academic success.
How to obtain the Proof
The proof of School Achievement must be obtained online, by the student himself, through his profile in the SIIUE, choosing in the main menu the option Documents »Evidence, followed by the option School Achievement.
Complementary Information
The School Achievement Certificate issued through SIIUE is digitally certified. The document has a validation code that allows any external entity to verify its validity. This Proof will not be signed / stamped by the Academic Services since it already has the necessary elements to verify its validity and authenticity.
The Qualification Certificate (to be issued only to students already graduated) includes all Curricular Units that the student obtained in the scope of obtaining the degree. This document does not present the final average grade and degree completion date.
For graduate students only. The certificate is available for a maximum period of 30 days after payment of the respective fees.
The request must be made at SIIUE, through the option Documents »Certification document requests.Requests from former students are only accepted if they clearly indicate the student's full name, the number and type of the Identification Document, and the Course. If you forget your password to access the SIIUE, consult the Online Service Desk .
When you place your order online, you must register in the order, how you want to receive the document:
- In person at the Student Services Desk (on the date on which it is notified through the SIIUE that the document is available for delivery)
- Shipping by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt.
The student must have updated contacts at SIIUE .
The Qualification Certificate has an associated cost as stipulated in the Fees Table in effect.
The Qualification Certificate does not certify the degree, being a complementary document, containing the information in the supplement to the diploma that is delivered together with the degree diploma.
The Bachelor's Degree Diploma is the document that certifies the completion of a Bachelor's degree course, within the scope of the 1st cycle or Integrated Master's degree cycle, and consequently the assignment of an academic degree, containing the same completion date and average grade.
Students who have already graduated may apply for the Bachelor's Degree Diploma, or those who have already obtained approval for all ECTS required to complete the degree.The Diploma of Degree can be issued in portuguese or in english according to what is requested, and with the issuance of it, the Diploma Supplement is issued without any additional costs.The maximum period for making the Diploma available is 30 days after the payment of the respective fees.
The request can be placed:
- in person at the Student Services Office
- online through the SIIUE, in the option Documents »Certification document requests.
Applications from former students are only accepted if they clearly indicate the student's full name, the number and type of ID card, and the Course. If you forget your password to access the SIIUE, consult the Online Service Desk .
When you place your order online, you must register in the order, how you want to receive the document:
- In person at the Student Services Desk (at the time of order)
- Sending by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt (applies when face-to-face reception is not possible)
The student must have updated contacts at SIIUE.
The diploma of a doctoral degree, or of a PhD or Advanced Studies Course, in portuguese or english; has an associated cost as stipulated in the Fees Table in effect.In the case of 2nd copy requests, in portuguese or in english, for the Diploma and the respective Diploma Supplement, the fee provided for in the Table of Fees is due.The amounts due will be made available in SIIUE (see Payment Values Guide ), the order being canceled in case of non-payment within 3 days after constant notification in SIIUE.
For more information on the issued document, view the draft of the Bachelor's Degree Diploma .
Within the scope of the master's degree (2nd cycle) study cycle the student can obtain three types of diplomas, which include the date of completion and the average of the respective Diploma:
- Master's degree diploma, which certifies the completion of the total ECTS of the master's degree (Master's Degree Diploma ),
- Master Course Diploma, which certifies the completion of the curriculum component of the Master (which does not award an academic degree)
- Specialization Course Diploma, which certifies the completion of a part of the curriculum component of the Master
- To obtain a Master's Degree Diploma, students must have completed their master's degree, including public exam and delivering copies for legal deposit;
- In order to obtain the Master's Degree Diploma, students must have completed the curricular component of the master's degree, provided that it has at least 60 ECTS credits and the normative order for the creation of the course available in Documents in the respective Master's course contemplates that;
- To obtain the Specialization Course Diploma, students must have completed the 1st year of the curricular component of the master's degree, as long as it has at least 30 ECTS credits and the normative order for the creation of the course available in Documents in the respective Master's course contemplates that.
If 70% or more of the total ECTS has been credited to obtain the Master's Course Diploma or Specialization Course Diploma, it is not possible to issue the respective Diplomas, since the accreditation is intended for further studies.Diplomas can be issued in portuguese or in english according to what is requested, and with the issuance of it, the Diploma Supplement is issued without any additional costs.The maximum period for making the Diploma available is 30 days after the payment of the respective fees.
The request can be placed:
- in person at the Student Services Office
- online through the SIIUE, in the option Documents »Certification document requests.
Applications from former students are only accepted if they clearly indicate the student's full name, the number and type of ID card, and the Course. If you forget your password to access the SIIUE, consult the Online Service Desk .
How to proceed to receive the document
When you place your order online, you must register in the order, how you want to receive the document:
- In person at the Student Services Desk (upon request)
- Sending by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt (applies when face-to-face reception is not possible)
The student must have updated contacts at SIIUE.
The Master's Degree Diploma, or Master's or Specialization Course, in portuguese or in english, has an associated cost according to what is stipulated in the Fees Table in force.In the case of 2nd copy requests, in portuguese or in english, for a Diploma and the respective Diploma Supplement, the fee provided for in the Table of Fees is due.The amounts due will be made available in SIIUE (see Payment Values Guide ), and the order is canceled in case of non-payment within 3 days after constant notification in SIIUE.
For more information on the issued document, view the minute of the Master's Degree Diploma .
Within the cycle of studies conferring the degree of doctor (3rd cycle) the student can obtain three types of diplomas, which contain the date of completion and the average of the respective Diploma:
- Doctor's degree diploma, which certifies the completion of the total ECTS of the doctorate (Doctor's Degree Diploma );
- Doctoral Course Diploma, which certifies the completion of the Doctoral curriculum component (which does not award an academic degree);
- Advanced Studies Diploma, which certifies the completion of a part of the curricular component of the PhD.
- In order to obtain the PhD Diploma, students must have completed their PhD, including public exam and delivering copies for legal deposit;
- To obtain the Doctoral Degree Diploma, students must have completed the PhD component of the PhD, provided that it has at least 30 ECTS credits and the normative order for the creation of the course available in Documents in the respective PhD contemplates such;
- To obtain the Diploma of Advanced Studies, students must have completed part of the curricular component of the PhD, provided that it has at least 30 ECTS credits and the normative order for the creation of the course available in Documents in the respective PhD contemplates such;
If 70% or more of the total ECTS has been credited to obtain the Master's Degree Diploma or Specialization Course Diploma, the respective Diplomas cannot be issued, since the accreditation is intended for further studies.Diplomas can be issued in portuguese or in english according to what is requested, and with the issuance of it, the Diploma Supplement is issued without any additional costs.The maximum period for making the Diploma available is 30 days after the payment of the respective fees.
The request can be placed:
- in person at the Students Services Office
- online through the SIIUE, in the option Documents »Certification document requests.
Applications from former students are only accepted if they clearly indicate the student's full name, the number and type of ID card, and the Course. If you forget your password to access the SIIUE, consult the Online Service Desk .
When you place your order online, you must register in the order, how you want to receive the document:
- In person at the Student Services Desk (at the time of order)
- Sending by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt (applies when face-to-face reception is not possible)
The student must have updated contacts at SIIUE.
The diploma of a doctoral degree, or of a PhD or Advanced Studies Course, in portuguese or english; has an associated cost as stipulated in the Fees Table in effect.In the case of 2nd copy requests, in portuguese or in english, for the Diploma and the respective Diploma Supplement the fee provided in the Fees Table is due.The amounts due will be made available in SIIUE (see Payment Values Guide ), and the reques tis canceled in case of non-payment within 3 days after constant notification in SIIUE.
For more information on the document issued, view the draft of the Doctor's Diploma Degree .
The Diploma Supplement is a bilingual document (Portuguese and English), of merely informative nature attached to the Diploma and does not constitute proof of ownership of the qualification to which it refers.
The model adopted was created by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and Unesco-CEPES and its structure consists of a mandatory introduction for clarification and eight sections that must be completed in full.
Its basic principles are:
- Promote transparency in Higher Education at national and foreign level and contribute to the creation of a European Higher Education space;
- Facilitate the recognition of individual qualifications for academic and professional purposes, with complementary information on any and all qualifications;
- Facilitate mobility in terms of training and employability.
Additional Information
Model of Diploma Supplement issued by the University of Évora:
For students who obtain the bachelor, master or doctor degree, the Course Letter or the Doctoral Degree Letter can be issued, which are delivered at a public ceremony held annually at the University of Évora.
To obtain the Course Letter, it is necessary to obtain a Bachelor's or Master's degree;To obtain the Doctoral Degree Letter, it is necessary to obtain the doctoral degree.
The request can be made online through the SIIUE , in the option Documents »Requests for certification documents.Applications from former students are only accepted if they clearly indicate the student's full name, the number and type of ID card, and the Course. If you forget your password to access the SIIUE, consult the Online Service Desk .
When requesting online, you must register in the order, how you want to receive the document:
- In person
- Sending by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt and with an increase in the amount of the fees due
The Course Letter is delivered in June at a Public Ceremony, if required by the end of April. If requested after this date, it will only be delivered in June of the following year.The Doctoral Degree Letter is delivered on November 1st (University Day) if required by the end of August.
The Doctoral Degree Letter and the Course Letter have an associated cost according to what is stipulated in the Fees Table in force.In the case of a request for sending by post, the value of the fee will increase depending on whether it is sent by national or international mail, in accordance with the table of fees in force.The amounts due will be made available in SIIUE, and the request is canceled in case of non-payment within 3 days after constant notification in SIIUE.
The Academic Services are responsible for providing the certification of the CU programs, according to the information registered in SIIUE, in the Curricular Unit Form, by the responsible teacher and validated by the competente bodies.The CUs that have been used up to the 2015/16 school year, including the programs, are only available in portuguese, after 2016/17 they are available in portuguese and in english.
The CU is certified according to the information contained in the curricular unit form of the academic year in which the student was evaluated and has obtained success. Only CU programs for the last ten academic years are available.The maximum period for making the programs available is 30 days after the payment of the respective fees.
The request can be placed:
- in person at the Students Services Desk
- online through the SIIUE, in the option Documents »Requests for certification documents
When ordering online, you must register in the order, how you want to receive the document:
- In person at the Students Services Desk
- Shipping by registered mail, with acknowledgment of receipt
The CU's programs have an associated cost according to what is stipulated in the Fees Table in effect. The amounts due are made available in SIIUE, and the request is canceled in case of non-payment within 3 days after constant notification in SIIUE.
Course percentile certificate or UC percentile certificate can be issued, being that:
- in the course percentile certificate, it states:
- The total number of graduates of the course in the respective academic year of completion;
- The number of graduates in the same course, by diploma classification, in the academic year of completion.
- The percentile certificate per UC includes:
- The total number of students approved in that UC in the respective year;
- The number of students approved in the UC, by classification, in the academic year in question.
The course percentile certificate is issued to students graduating in the 1st and 2nd cycles and MI
Regulations and Guides
For more information, please consult SAC.ONLINE , the Online Services Desk for Academic Services.
Click here to see the service hours and contacts of Academic Services.