Exam Special Regimes
The University of Évora enshrines, in Section V of Chapter II of the Academic Regulation of the University of Évora ,
Exam Special Regimes, which may be required annually, by students enrolled and registered in a course with a duration equal to or greater than 1 semester, who complete the requirements for its recognition.
Teachers of the Curricular Unit in which students enrolled using a special frequency regime are registered through the "List of enrolled students with assigned Exam Special Regimes " available at SIIUE, with the date on which the students obtained the special regime, being able to take advantage of the benefits provided by RAUÉ for the respective special regime, only after its attribution.
The working student regime may apply if he is in one of the following situations:
- Be an employee, regardless of employment, in the service of a public or private entity;
- Be self-employed;
- Attends professional training course or an official program for the temporary occupation of young people lasting six months or more.
The recognition of the right to an exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online in the Student profile, at SIIUE.
The working student must contact the CU professor within 15 days after obtaining the respective special regime.
The working student must attach to the SIIUE application the proof of his/her status as a worker in one of the following ways:
- Declaration of the employer, updated, signed and duly authenticated with a recognized stamp or signature. In the case of a private employer, the Social Security beneficiary number must be included in the declaration or a copy of the document proving that number must be provided;
- Declaration of the beginning of the activity in the Finance Department, in the case of self-employed, accompanied by a document proving the monthly discounts for Social Security, or a declaration proving exemption;
- Declaration by the entity that promotes and teaches the professional training course or official program for the temporary occupation of young people, signed and duly updated with a recognized stamp or signature, indicating the start date and duration of the course, as well as the accreditation of the entity who teaches the formation;
- In case of unemployment, the student must deliver to the SAC the document proving the registration at the Employment Center, within a period not exceeding 30 days after the occurrence of the situation.
The request for the attribution of the status will be rejected if the aforementioned documentation is not attached to the request in SIIUE.
At the time of enrolment or by the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar
The working student is not subject to:
• The frequency of a minimum number of curricular units;
• Attendance of a minimum number of classes per UC;
• The prescription regime.
-In CUs with a typology of theoretical-practical or practical and laboratory classes, of mandatory frequency and in which these are essential for the learning and evaluation process, appropriate conditions for monitoring those activities should be ensured, whenever possible, or, alternatively, the implementation of other teaching-learning and assessment modalities. The student worker must prove to the teacher that he is not authorized by the employer, or by the entity that teaches the course, for the frequency of sessions with these characteristics.
-Enroll, in the special season, in three CUs, under the terms of this regulation and within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar.
The student who voluntarily ceases the activity must inform UÉ within 30 days of the occurrence.
A senior year student is a student who lacks up to 72 ECTS to complete the study cycle he/she entered, without exceeding 42 ECTS in any of the semesters.Exceptionally it is also considered a finalist student who lacks up to 84 ECTS to complete the study cycle in which he/she entered, without exceeding 42 ECTS in any of the semesters, being allowed to enroll in the extra ECTS.
Students in the 2nd and 3rd cycle, who enroll in the Thesis or D/TP/RE may enroll for a maximum of 48 ECTS more in UCs, being subject to payment of extra ECTS, if the number of ECTS of the Thesis or D/TP/RE foreseen in the study plan in the respective curricular year and the ECTS of the UCs in which he/she intend to enroll exceeds 72 ECTS.
Enrollment in ECTS Extra, must be requested through GESDOC within the enrollment deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar and is subject to ptuition fees related to those ECTS .
The recognition of the right to an exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online in the Student profile, at SIIUE .
Upon registration or within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar .
The final year undergraduate is entitled to register for the special and extraordinary assessment period under the conditions defined in the Academic Regulation of the University of Évora.
The attribution of this regime is subject to confirmation that, taking into account the study plan of the course, the CU in which it has approval and the CU in which it is enrolled in that academic year, the student meets the conditions to be able to complete the course in that academic year.
After being granted the special regime of finalist student, the student can make changes in their enrolment online, and the SAC will re-analyse if the student is still a finalist and will invalidate it if the student has made changes that do not allow them to finish the course in the respective academic year.
An UÉ student is considered an associative Leader Student when he/she is a leader of a student association or cluster legally constituted and recognized by UÉ, as well as young associative leaders in the terms stipulated in Law No. 23/2006 , of 23 June.
The recognition of the right to an exam special regime depends on the annual application.In the case of directors of associations and student nuclei of the UÉ, the regime will be assigned when the certificate of the minutes from the start of the position is delivered to the SAC.For other leaders of youth associations based in the national territory and enrolled in the National Network of Youth Associations (RNAJ), the request must be online in the Student profile, at SIIUE.
In the case of UÉ student associations and clusters, the person responsible must send, through GESDOC to the SAC, within 30 days after taking office and within 30 days after the beginning of each school year, the certificate of the minutes of taking office.Applications made online at SIIUE must be attached to a declaration issued by the IPDJ confirming the association's registration with the RNAJ, under the terms of article 23 of Law no. 23/2006, from 23 June.The request for the attribution of the status will be rejected if the aforementioned documentation is not attached to the request in SIIUE.
At the time of enrolment or by the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar
The student with the special regime of associative leader has the right to:
- require up to five final assessments in each academic year, in addition to the final assessments of the normal and repeat periods, with a maximum limit of two per CU, on dates to be agreed with the CU head (failure to attend a required final assessment implies lapse of the exercised right, unless justified);
- postpone the presentation of papers and written reports, according to the head of the CU;
- carry out, on a date to be agreed with the head of the CU, the evaluations to which he was unable to attend due to the exercise of urgent associative activities;
- absence from classes, upon presentation to the head of the CU of proof of attendance in the following activities:
-attendance at meetings of the bodies to which it belongs, in case they coincide with the school timetable;
-appearance in acts of associative interest.
Students with this status will benefit from their rights while exercising the positions for which they were elected and within one year after the end of their mandate. The associative leader who ceases or suspends the exercise of his activity loses the rights resulting from the special regime.
Are considered to be Students elected to management bodies of the University of Évora the representatives:
- in the General Council;
- in the Academic Senate;
- in the Assembly of Representatives of the Organic Units;
- in the Pedagogical Councils of the Organic Units;
- Executive and Monitoring Committees.
To enjoy the benefits of this special regime, students may not miss, more than twice in a row or three interpolated, the meetings of the bodies to which they belong. When the expected absences are exceeded, the SACs are notified by the secretariats of the OUs, the General Council and the Academic Senate in order to terminate the right to the exams special regime.
the list of students to be covered by this regime, is forwarded by the The secretariats of the management bodies of the University of Évora, to the the Academic Services, through GESDOC within a maximum period of 15 days after the election, with no need for students to make the request individually.
This special regime gives the right to:
- require up to five final assessments in each academic year, in addition to the final assessments of the normal and resource periods, with a maximum limit of two per CU, on dates to be agreed with the CU heads (failure to attend a required final assessment implies expiry of the right exercised, unless justified.)
- postpone the presentation of papers and written reports, according to the head of the CU;
- carry out, on a date to be agreed with the head of the CU, the assessments to which they were unable to attend due to the exercise of activities exercised within the scope of the bodies for which they were elected;
- absences from teaching activities by attending meetings of the bodies to which they belong, in the event that they match with the teaching schedule, upon presentation, to the person in charge of the CU, of proof of attendance at the meetings provided for in the preceding paragraph.
Students with this status will benefit from this rights while exercising the positions for which they were elected.
Can take advantage of this regime students who have been part of choirs, tunas, volunteering and other groups considered by the Dean as having a cultural and recreational action that gives prestige to UÉ.
Volunteering is understood as the set of activities of educational, social or community interest, framed by projects, programs or other forms of intervention that aim to respond to individual, group or academic community needs in general, developed on a non-profit basis.
In order to benefit from the right to enroll in a special season, the student with this special regime is subject to delivery, through GESDOC, during the registration period in special assessment period:
- proof of participation in at least 75% of the events in which the group has worked in the last six months, and in an identical percentage of the rehearsals carried out by the group in the same period of time, to be proved by the person in charge of the cultural group, in the case of elements of choirs or tunas:
- proof that they dedicated at least 30 hours of volunteering during the academic year in question, certified by the entity or service responsible for actions in this area, in the case of volunteering.
The recognition of the right to the exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online in the Student profile, at SIIUE .
When requesting, the student must attach a Declaration issued:
- by the person in charge of the cultural group, under which the regime is required, who has been part of the choir, tuna or other cultural group for more than a year; or
- by the representative of the Institution where you are volunteering, which proves to have volunteered for more than a year.
The request for the attribution of the status will be rejected if the aforementioned documentation is not attached to the request in SIIUE.
Upon registration or within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar .
Students under this scheme are entitled to:
- require a final assessment in the special assessment period;
- carry out or deliver, on a date to be agreed in advance with the head of the CU, the elements of evaluation that they have not been able to carry out within the anticipated period, due to the performance of urgent cultural activities;
- absences from teaching activities, by attending cultural activities or volunteering, in the event that these match with the teaching schedule, upon presentation, to the head of the CU, of a document proving the attendance in the activities provided for in the previous number and acceptance.
Pregnant, postpartum and lactating students and student mothers and fathers are covered by this regime.
The recognition of the right to a special frequency regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online in the Student profile, at SIIUE.
Upon request, the student must attach the documents proving the situation. The request for attribution of status will be rejected if the referred documentation is not attached to the request in SIIUE.
At the time of enrolment or by the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar
Students under this scheme are entitled to:
- Pregnant women and student mothers and fathers are entitled to exemption from attending classes during the period of parental leave.
- Student mothers and fathers whose children are up to five years of age enjoy the following rights:
-a special regime of absences, considered justified, whenever duly proven, for prenatal consultations, for childbirth, breastfeeding, illness and childcare;
-postponement of the delivery and presentation of works and carrying out evaluation tests at a later date whenever, it is impossible to meet the established deadlines or attend the evaluation tests with proof;
-exemption from compliance with legal mechanisms that make school performance dependent on attending a minimum number of classes;
- Pregnant women, mothers and fathers students are entitled to:
-carry out final assessment in the special assessment period;
-a special regime of absences, considered justified, whenever duly proven, for prenatal consultations;
-to enjoy a special regime of absences, considered justified, to provide assistance, in case of illness or accident, to a child under the age of 12 or, regardless of age, to a child with a disability or chronic illness, as well as throughout the period of eventual hospitalization.
- Whenever, during the period of parental leave, there are:
-moments of assessment, student mothers and fathers may request the assessment to be carried out within the next 30 days, on a date to be agreed with the Professors;
-deadlines for submission of the Thesis or D / P / IR, student mothers or fathers may request an extension of delivery for a period equivalent to that of the leave.
It is directed for students from any study cycle, that for reasons of a physical, sensory, cognitive, socio-emotional, organizational or logistical nature have difficulties in their interaction with the surrounding context and that limit their activity and participation on an equal basis, particularly with the concern on learning.
An interview is carried out to assess the student's needs and with his/her consent and in collaboration with the Course Commissions, Pedagogical Councils and other Technicians, measures to support learning are elaborated on an individual basis.
The student must apply for this regime through the student profile at the SIIUE or by requirement at GESDOC and deliver clinical documentation to the Student Support Office (GAE). In the absence of documentation, you may ask GAE or other Specialist Technicians at the University of Évora to evaluate your difficulties.
The delivery of the following documentation must be carried out in person at the Student Support Office (GAE) when scheduling the regime validation interview:
· Medical and/or technical report(s), which characterize the type of difficulties and the respective implications for the student's academic performance.
If the student has difficulties in academic performance without having supporting medical and/or technical documents, the evaluation of the difficulties may be carried out by the GAE or by another specialized technician.
Whenever necessary other documents may be requested, which attest or specify the difficulties mentioned in the report(s) in order to complete the individual process of each student.
At the time of enrolment or by the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar .
Students with this regime are entitled to:
· not be subject to attending a minimum number of UC of the course;
· not be subject to the normal prescription regime;
· priority in choosing classes;
· carry out the experimental work in two consecutive academic years, as long as it is requested by the person in charge of the UC and the operating conditions of the same allow it;
· to enroll in the special evaluation period in all UCs;
· other support measures adapted to your condition.
students of UÉ are considered top-level competition athletes when, fulfilling the legally established conditions, are included in the register organized by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth (IPDJ).
The recognition of the right to the exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online at SIIUE .
The student practicing top-level competition sport must attach to the online application in SIIUE statement, issued by the IPDJ, that he is a high performance sport practitioner, certifying these conditions, with the validity of one year.
Upon registration or within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedure Calendar .
- increase in absences from classes, during the period of preparation and participation in sports competitions, upon presentation to the head of the CU of a supporting statement issued by the IPDJ;
- alteration of assessments dates, which coincide with the period of preparation and participation in sports competitions, for which the student must deliver to the person in charge of the CU, a supporting statement issued by the IPDJ;
- carry out the final evaluation to the CU in the special assessment period.
This regime covers students who are duly enrolled in the Academic Federation of University Sports (FADU).To be able to benefit from the rights resulting from this regime, you must participate in at least 75% of the official tests of the modality in which you registered organized under the aegis of this Federation.
The Social Action Services of the University of Évora, annually, provide Academic Services with the list of students with athlete student status, with no need for students to apply individually.In case the student does not participate in at least 75% of the official exams of the modality, the SASUE inform the SAC, until the end of the school term in order to remove the respective special regime from the student.
Students under this scheme are entitled to:
- absences motivated by attendance at competitions or other events, if the competitions and travel to the same coincide with the school timetable, upon presentation to the head of the CU of a document proving attendance at the sporting event in question, issued by the sports manager of the SASUE. In case the travel exceeds 200 km, the provisions of the previous number apply to the day before the start of the event / tournament and to the day after the end of the same;
- require a final assessment in the special assessment period;
- carry out or deliver, on a date to be previously agreed with the Professor, the elements of evaluation that they could not carry out within the scheduled time, due to the performance of sports events (except the delivery of the Thesis / D / P / IR).
Are considered to be Cooperative supervisors students at UÉ, teachers of pre-school education and basic and secondary education, who collaborate in the practice of supervised teaching (PES) of courses at the University of Évora that confer professional qualification for teaching.
The recognition of the right to the exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online at SIIUE .
When applying online, the student must attach a declaration, issued by the Chairman of the PES Coordinating Council, duly authenticated, proving his status as a cooperating advisor.The request for the attribution of the status will be rejected if the aforementioned documentation is not attached to the request in SIIUE.
Upon registration or within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar .
Students under this regime are entitled to:
- Preferential access to postgraduate training courses taught at UÉ, namely through the establishment of an admission fee, based on the cooperation protocol with pre-school and basic and secondary education establishments, provided that this is provided for in the opening notice of the respective courses;
- Reduction in tuition fees under the terms filed between UÉ and the institution where he works, during the duration of the cycle of studies plus an academic year.
Post-graduate training actions referred to in subparagraph a) of the preceding paragraph constitute: master's courses, post-graduate courses that do not confer degrees and doctoral programs for which cooperating supervisors have the legal conditions for admission.
This regime covers students who are firefighters of professional bodies, mixed or volunteer, according to the provisions of Decree-Law n.º 241/2007 , of 21 de june.
The recognition of the right to the exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online at SIIUE .
The student must attach to the online application the proof of activity issued by the respective commander.
At the time of enrolment or by the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar .
Students under this regime are entitled to:
- absences from classes motivated by the appearance in operational activity, proven with the teacher, within 5 working days after the impediment;
- postponement of evaluations to a later date, to be defined by the person in charge of the UC through the request and delivery of proof, issued by the respective commander, whenever, due to the fulfillment of operational activity, it is impossible to meet the defined deadlines or attend and perform the assessment tests;
- require up to 3 final assessments, in a special assessment period whenever, evidently, you have not been able to attend them during the normal or repeat period, due to the fulfillment of operational activity on the day of the final assessment, which must be requested through Gesdoc within the stipulated deadlines for registration in special season.
DL nº 55/2019, of 24.04, which establishes the status of student athlete in higher education, has extended the scope of application of the existing regime for athletes of top level competition and athletes of university sports, to federated athletes, even if not from top-level competition, for the purposes of RAUÉ or university athletes covered by the FADU.
Athlete students of higher education are students enrolled and registered in higher education who cumulatively:
- are affiliated to a sports federation governed by Decree -Law no. 248 -B / 2008, of December 31, in its current version (federated athletes), for example football clubs, professional or not;
- have sporting merit (represented their team or selection in at least 60% of the games or competitions and participated in at least 75% of the training of their team or selection, or in 25% in the case of federated athletes, provided that it takes place at least one weekly practice, with the exception of vacation periods or exams);
- have academic achievement in the academic year prior to the one in which they require the attribution of the status (approval, at least, 36 credits, or all credits in which they were enrolled, if their number is less than 36 credits) - does not apply in first year of entry into a study cycle.
The recognition of the right to the exam special regime depends on the student's annual request, and the request must be made online at SIIUE .
The student must attach to the online application in SIIUE a statement proving that he is affiliated with a sports federation under the terms of Decree-Law No. 248 -B / 2008, of December 31, and documents that prove the sporting merit.
Upon registration or within the deadlines defined in the Academic Procedures Calendar .
Students under this scheme are entitled to:
- priority in choosing schedules or classes whose exam regime best suits your sporting activity, as long as this is duly proven by the applicant;
- absences motivated by participation in official competitions of the modality they represent;
- alteration of evaluation dates, which match with the days of the championships and sports competitions, and for that purpose the student must provide the CU responsible with a statement proving that
- carry out the final evaluation of two UC´s in the special assessment period
Regulation and Guides:
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