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Luís Dias

Researcher (HERCULES - HERCULES Lab - Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard)

Fixed-term employment contract

Photo of Luís Dias
Doctoral Degree: Bioquímica (Universidade de Évora - 2020)
Master Degree: Análises Químicas Ambientais (Universidade de Évora - 2013)
Bachelor's Degree: Bioquímica (Universidade de Évora - 2010)
Department of Geosciences (Collaborating Member)
HERCULES - HERCULES Lab - Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Ciências exactas e naturais
Dias, Luis; Sitzia, Fabio; Lisci, Carla; Lopes, Luís; Mirão, José. 2020. Microscopia e Microanálise no estudo de Pedras Ornamentais carbonatada. Boletim de Minas, 54 - Tema em Destaque - Rochas Ornamentais - 2019-2020, Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia - Direção de Serviços de Recursos Hidrogeológicos e Geotérmicos. Martins, Luís; Lourenço, Cristina; Lourenço, Carla; Cruz, José Alcântara; Falé, Patrícia; Ferreira da Costa, J.; Cavaco Miriam; Martins; José Miguel. pp. 103-115. ISSN: 00008-5935.
? T Rosado, L Dias, M Lança, C Nogueira, R Santos, MR Martins, A Candeias, J Mirão, AT Caldeira (2020). Assessment of microbiota present on a Portuguese historical stone convent using high throughput sequencing approaches. MicrobiologyOpen 9(6), pp. 1067-1084
Dias, L., Rosado, T., Candeias, A., Mirão, J., Caldeira, A.T.(2020). Linking ornamental stone discolouration to its biocolonisation state. Building and Environment 180,106934. Doi 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106934
Coutinho, ML, Miller AZ, Phillips A, Mirão J, Dias L, Rogerio-Candelera MA, Saiz-Jimenez C, Martin-Sanchez PM, Cerqueira-Alves L, Macedo MF (2019). Biodeterioration of majolica tiles by the fungus Devriesia imbrexigena. Construction and Building Materials 212, 49-56.
Ding, Y. et al. (2019). Proceedings 2019 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, pp. 338-342
L Dias, T Rosado, A Candeias, J Mirão, AT Caldeira (2019). A change in composition, a change in colour: The case of limestone sculptures from the Portuguese National Museum of Ancient Art. Journal of Cultural Heritage. Doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2019.07.025
Luís Dias, Tânia Rosado, Ana Coelho, Pedro Barrulas, Luís Lopes, Patrícia Moita, António Candeias, José Mirão, Ana Teresa Caldeira. Natural limestone discolouration triggered by microbial activity?a contribution. AIMS Microbiology, 2018, 4(4): 594-607. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2018.4.594
Mirão, J.; Dias, L.; Cardoso, I.; Barrulas, P.; Caldeira, A. T.; Moita, P.; Dias, C.; Lopes, L.; Candeias, A. 2017. Stone Chemical and Mineralogical Research in Hercules Laboratory, PORTUGAL. Proceedings of the IV International Stone Congress, Izmir - Turkey, March 20-25 2017. YAVUZ, A. BAHADIR; B?ROL AKKURT, Hümeyra; ÇAKMAKO?LU, A. Eds. ISBN 978-615-01-1133-0. pp. 63-64
M. Oliveira, E. Murta, A. Candeias, A. Cardoso, L. Dias, T. Ferreira, J. Mirão, C. Dias, Estofado Materials and Techniques - Contribution for the Characterization of Regional Production of Baroque Polychrome Sculptures - a Case Study, In: S. Litjens and K. Seymour (eds). Polychrome Sculpture: Decorative Practice and Artistic Tradition. ICOM-CC Interim Meeting, Working Group Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration, Tomar, 28-29 May, 2013. ICOM-CC, pp. 78-84, 2017. Published Online: 2017
Rosado T, Silva M, Dias L, Candeias A, Gil M, Mirão J, Pestana J and Caldeira AT (2017) Microorganisms and the integrated conservation-intervention process of the renaissance mural paintings from Casas Pintadas in Évora - Know to act, act to preserveJournal of King Saud University - Science 29(4) DOI:10.1016/j.jksus.2017.09.001
L. Esteves, J. Mirão, L. Dias, A. Candeias, J.M. Mimoso (2016) Levantamentos in-situ da degradação de azulejos e da presença de sais. Conservar Património 23, 43-53.
Y.Z. Helvaci, L. Dias, A. Manhita, S. Martins, A. Cardoso, A. Candeias, M. Gil (2016) Tracking old and new colors: Material study of 16th century mural paintings from Évora Cathedral (Southern Portugal). Color Research and Application, 41, 276-282. DOI: 10.1002/col.22040

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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