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Carlo Emanuele Bottaini

Researcher (HERCULES - HERCULES Lab - Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard)

Fixed-term employment contract

Photo of Carlo Emanuele Bottaini
Doctoral Degree: História, variante de Arqueologia/Arqueologia (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra - 2013)
Bachelor's Degree: História, variante de Arqueologia (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra - 2006)
HERCULES - HERCULES Lab - Cultural Heritage Studies and Safeguard (Integrated Member with doctorate)
Later Prehistory and Protohistory, Archaeological Sciences, Heritage Sciences
101079148 / Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: E-RIHS IP
finished in 14/09/2024
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031577 | PTDC/QUI-OUT/31577/2017 / Portugal 2020 ,FCT ,Agência de Inovação ,ALFA ,Alto Comissariado para a Saúde ,AVNA ,CIÊNCIA VIVA ,Comissão Europeia ,Câmara Municipal de Grândola ,CCDRA ,Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: THE SCREAM
finished in 30/04/2021
Gomes M., Bottaini C., Serra M., Vilaça R. (2023), Metais do Bronze Final no Ocidente Ibérico. O caso dos machados de alvado a sul do Rio Tejo, Atas do Congresso Arqueologia em Portugal 2023 - Estado da Questão (Coimbra 22-23 de novembro 2023), pp. 401-409
Giardino C., Bottaini C., Schmidt C. (2023), The Earliest Copper Smelting Activity in South-Eastern Arabia. Some Preliminary Results from Al-Khashbah. In: Marchetti N. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (06-09 April 2021, Bologna), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 351-364.
Vilaça R., Bottaini C. .(2023) L'Occidente Iberico come luogo di incontro nella tarda età del Bronzo (XIII-VIII secolo a.C.). Nuovi dati dallo studio delle spade. In: Perra M. et al. (eds.), Contatti e scambi fra la Sardegna, l'Italia continentale e l'Europa nord-occidental nell'Età del Bronzo (XVIII-XI sec. a.C.). La "via del rame", la "via dell'ambra", la "via dello stagno". Atti del V Festival della Civiltà Nuragica, Ed. Arkadia, pp. 89-104.
C. Miguel, S. Bottura-Scardina, C. Bottaini, S. Valadas, A. Candeias, F. Bilou (2022) The Power of Combining MA-XRF, Infrared Reflectography and Digital Microscopy to Unveil the Production of the 16th Century Illuminated Charter of Évora: What May Be Hidden under a Painted Surface?, Heritage 5: 286
C. Bottaini, R. Vilaça, M. Osório, I. Montero Ruiz, P. Mack (2022), New data on the Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age metallurgy in Central Portugal. The contribution of Vila do Touro (Sabugal, Guarda), Munibe, 73: 135-148
Bottaini, C., Martínez, S.G., Bordalo, R. et al. Islamic copper-based metal artefacts from the Garb al-Andalus. A multidisciplinary approach on the Alcáçova of M?rtulah (Mértola, South of Portugal). Herit Sci 10, 97 (2022).
Valera, A. C., do Pereiro, T., Nogueira, S. ., Shaw Evangelista, L. ., Maurer, A.-F. ., Barrocas Dias, C. ., Ribeiro, S. y Bottaini, C. . (2022) «The "Ferradeira" individual burial of Herdade do Álamo (Beja): facets of social change in the late 3rd millennium BC in South Portugal», SPAL - Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología, (31.1), pp. 92-112. doi: 10.12795/spal.2022.i31.04.
R. Vilaça, C. Bottaini (2021), Depósitos metálicos em meio húmido, e suas margens, da Idade do Bronze em Portugal: uma perspectiva global, Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, 28: 257-276
E. Figueiredo, C. Bottaini, C. Miguel, A. Lackinger, J. Mirão, B. Comendador Rey (2021), Study of a Late Bronze Age Casting Mould and Its Black Residue by 3D Imaging, pXRF, SEM-EDS, Micro-FTIR and Micro-Raman, Heritage, 4 (4): 2960-2972.
A.R. Pereira, C. Bottaini, R. Vilaça (2021), Um punhal de cobre esquecido, um sítio (re)encontrado: Loriga (Alhadas de Baixo, Figueira da Foz), em: A.M. Ferreira et al., Santos Rocha, Livro do Colóquio Arqueologia e territórios da Figueira da Foz, pp. 138-149
P. General-Toro, R. Bordalo, P.R. Moreira, E. Vieira, A. Brunetti, R. Iannaccone, C. Bottaini (2021), Art Casting in Portuguese 19th Century Industrial Foundries: A Multi-Analytical Study of an Emblematic Copper-Based Alloy Monument, Heritage, 4: 3050-3064
3. Bottaini C. 2021, Double-looped palstaves from the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age of the Western Iberian Peninsula. New technological insights from Santa Justa (North of Portugal, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 21 (3): 147-159.
Gil, M.; Costa, M.; Cvetkovic, M.; Bottaini, C.; Cardoso, A.; Manhita, A.; Barrocas Dias, C.; Candeias, A. Unveiling the mural paintng art of Almada Negreiros at the Maritime Stations of Alcântara (Lisbon): diagnosis research of paint layers as a guide for its future conservation. Ge-conservación 2021, 20, 105-117
N. Schiavon, P. Panganiban, S. Valadas, C. Bottaini, C.B. Dias, A. Manhita, A. Candeias (2021), A Multi-Analytical Study of Egyptian Funerary Artifacts from Three Portuguese Museum Collections, Heritage, 4: 2973-2995
S. Bottura-Scardina, A. Brunetti, C. Bottaini, C. Miguel (2021), On the use of hand-held X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy coupled to Monte Carlo simulations for the depth assessment of painted objects: The case study of a sixteenth-century illuminated printed book, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 136: 341
R. Bordalo, C. Bottaini, A. Candeias (2021), A Framework Design for Information Management in Heritage Science Laboratories, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 14 (1): 1-14
R. Vilaça, M. Osório, D. Fernandes, C. Bottaini, S. Silva (2020), A ocupação Pré-histórica do Cabeço de Caria Talaia (Sabugal), CUPAUAM, 46: 79-117

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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