Nuno Ricardo Gracinhas Nunes Guiomar
Assistente Investigação Convidado (MED - Institute of Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences)
Fixed-term employment contract
Master Degree: Ciência & Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - 2006)
Bachelor's Degree: Engenharia Biofísica (Universidade de Évora - 2002)
MED - Institute of Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (Collaborating Member)
acrónimo: FIREPOCTEP +
em curso até 31/12/2026
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: TOUR&RAIL
em curso até 30/09/2026
acrónimo: SOLVO
em curso até 11/03/2026
PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
,PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
,PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
,PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
acrónimo: AdaptforGrazing
em curso até 30/09/2025
acrónimo: FUEL-SAT
finished in 20/03/2024
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: MOVING
finished in 31/08/2024
acrónimo: EROFIRE
finished in 31/03/2023
acrónimo: CILIFO
finished in 31/12/2021
Comissão Europeia
acrónimo: SALSA
finished in 31/03/2020
Fernandes, P.M., Rossa, C.G., Madrigal, J., Rigolot, E., Ascoli, D., Hernando, C., Guiomar, N., Guijarro, M., 2022. Prescribed burning in the European Mediterranean Basin. In: Weir, J.R., Scasta, D. (Eds.), Global application of prescribed fire. CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, pp. 230-248.
Couto, F.T.; Salgado, R.; Guiomar, N. Forest Fires in Madeira Island and the Fire Weather Created by Orographic Effects. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 827.
Azeda, C., Guiomar, N., Godinho, S., Medeiros, J. P., & Pinto-Correia, T. (2021). The ambiguous role of agri-environment-climate measures in the safeguarding of High Nature Value Farming Systems: The case of the Montado in Portugal. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 319, 107562.
Guiomar, N., Godinho, S., Rivera, M., Pinto-Correia, T., Machado, R., Czekaj, M.,Tyran, E. & Pucha?a, J. (2021). Assessing food availability: A novel approach for the quantitative estimation of the contribution of small farms in regional food systems in Europe. Global Food Security, 30, 100555.
Melo, P., Rego, C., Anciães, P.R., Guiomar, N., Muñoz-Rojas, J. (2021). "Does road accessibility to cities support rural population growth? Evidence for Portugal for the 1991-2011 period", Journal of Regional Science, DOI: 10.1111/jors.12569
Guarín, A., Rivera, M., Pinto-Correia, T., Guiomar, N., ??mane, S., & Moreno-Pérez, O. M. (2020). A new typology of small farms in Europe. Global Food Security, 26, 100389.
Gomes, L.; Nobre, T.; Sousa, A.; Rei, F.; Guiomar, N. Hyperspectral Reflectance as a Basis to Discriminate Olive Varieties?A Tool for Sustainable Crop Management. Sustainability 2020, 12, 3059.
1. Esgalhado, C., Guimarães, M. H., Debolini, M., Guiomar, N., Lardon, S , Ferraz de Oliveira, I. (2020). A holistic approach to land system dynamics - The Monfurado case in Alentejo, Portugal Land Use Policy 95: 104607
Fernandes, P.M., Guiomar, N., Rossa, C.G. (2019). Analysing eucalypt expansion in Portugal as a fire-regime modifier. Science of the Total Environment, 666, 79-88.
Villani, R., Sabbatini, T., Perez, O. M., Guiomar, N., & Debolini, M. (2019). An open dataset about georeferenced harmonized national agricultural censuses and surveys of seven mediterranean countries. Data in Brief, 27, 104774.
: Fernandes JP, Guiomar N, Gil A, Identifying key factors, actors
and relevant scales in landscape and conservation planning, management and decision
making: promoting effective citizen involvement, Journal for Nature Conservation
Pinto-Correia T, Guiomar N, Ferraz-de-Oliveira MI, Sales Baptista E, Rabaça J, Godinho C, Ribeiro N, Sá Sousa P, Santos P, Silva CS, Simões P, Belo A, Catarino L, Costa P, Fonseca E, Godinho S, Azeda C, Gomes L, Lopes de Castro J, Louro R, Silvestre M, Vaz M (2018). Progress in identifying High Nature Value montados: impacts of grazing on hardwood rangeland biodiversity. Rangeland Ecology & Management.
Guimarães H., Guiomar N., Surova D., Godinho S., Pinto-Correia T., Sandberg A., Ravera F. and Varanda M., 2018. Structuring wicked problems in transdisciplinary research using the Social-Ecological Systems framework: an application to the montado system, Alentejo, Portugal. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.191: 417-428. DOI:10.1016/jclepro.2018.04.200
Guiomar N., Godinho S., Pinto-Correia T., Czejak M., Kania J., Marraccini E., Niedermayr J., O'Rourke E., Ortiz-Miranda D., Surová D., Sutherland L.-A., Tcherkezova E., Tudor M.; van der Zanden E., Wästfelt A., 2018. Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: towards a better picture. Land Use Policy, 75: 784-798,
Pinto-Correia, T., Guiomar, N., Ferraz de Oliveira, M.I., Baptista, E., Rabaça, J.E., Godinho, C., Ribeiro, N., Sá Sousa, P., Santos, P., Santos-Silva, C., Simões, M.P., Belo, A.D.F., Catarino, L., Costa, P., Fonseca, E., Godinho, S., Azeda, C., Almeida, M., Gomes, L. & Vaz, M. 2018. Progress in Identifying High Nature Value Montados: Impacts of Grazing on Hardwood Rangeland Biodiversity. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 10.1016/j.rama.2018.01.004.
This paper analyses the concept of nature-based solutions as instruments to turn anthromes
more nature-compatible, efficient, causing less degradation and developing new biodiversity
hotspots. It is mainly focused in solutions using living organisms (in particular plants and
microorganisms) to perform functions such as those of soil- and water-bioengineering
interventions in order to ensure the safety of human infrastructures and constructions in
contexts of conflict between natural processes and human needs. Further it handles the
problematic of reintroducing natural processes and functions in the built environment (urban,
industrial, infrastructures etc.) in order to recover, recreate or reinvent nature in humanized
landscapes and developing a more creative relation between humans and natural elements,
processes and functions. It presents, furthermore, the contribution of natural solutions to a wide
variety of decontamination processes and prevention and recovery of degraded land and natural
resources. Finally, it discusses the way these solutions can be implemented and the cultural,
organizational, administrative and governance paradigmatic and practice changes it implies.
Examples are given on the different issues presented as well on the possible implementation
Pereira, Marízia; Braga, Petrônio; Guiomar, Nuno; Santos, Francisco; Ribeiro, Sílvia. 2018. A flora e a vegetação dos afloramentos rochosos em três municípios na região Norte do Ceará, Brasil: caracterização fitossociológica. Rodriguésia, 69(2), 281-299.
The present study deals with the development of systematic conservation planning as management
instrument in small oceanic islands, ensuring open systems of governance, and able to integrate an
informed and involved participation of the stakeholders. Marxan software was used to define management
areas according a set of alternative land use scenarios considering different conservation and
management paradigms. Modeled conservation zones were interpreted and compared with the existing
protected areas allowing more fused information for future trade-outs and stakeholder's involvement.
The results, allowing the identification of Target Management Units (TMU) based on the consideration of
different development scenarios proved to be consistent with a feasible development of evaluation
approaches able to support sound governance systems. Moreover, the detailed geographic identification
of TMU seems to be able to support participated policies towards a more sustainable management of the
entire island
Ramos, I; Freire, M & Guiomar, N. (2016). Urban public policies: towards the improvement of landscape ecological system. The case-study of the city of Évora, Portugal. In Proceedings 53rd IFLA World Congress, AIAPP (org.), Turim, Itália, 20-22 abril. p. 217, ISBN: 978-88-7970-781-7
* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.