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Teresa Fernandes

Assistant Professor (Department of Biology)

Employment contract in public functions indefinitely

Doctoral Degree: Biologia (Universidade de Évora - 2008)
Bachelor's Degree: Biologia/Ramo Científico (Faculdade de Ciências-Universidade de Lisboa - 1983)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Biologia (Deputy)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Biologia Humana (Director)
Comissão de Curso do Mestrado em Bioarqueologia (Director)
General Council (Advisor)
Biologia Humana; Antropologia Biológica
Paleopatologia Humana; Populações Humanas do Passado; Paleodietas

Grupo de Investigação no Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde (CIAS): Past Cultures and Populations

CIAS - Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde

POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031599 | PTDC/HAR-HIS/31599/2017 / Portugal 2020 ,FCT ,Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020
finished in 14/10/2021
PTDC/HIS-ARQ/120236/2010 / FCT
finished in 30/09/2015
Curto A, Mahoney P, Maurer A-F, Barrocas Dias C, Fernandes T, Fahy GE. Effect of different healing stages on stable isotope ratios in skeletal lesions. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2019;1-13.
Curto A, Mahoney P, Maurer A-F,Barrocas-Dias C, Fernandes T, Fahy GE. Effect of differenthealing stages on stable isotope ratios in skeletal lesions.AmJ Phys Anthropol. 2019;1-13.
A Amorim, A Afonso Costa, C Vieira da Silva, T Ribeiro, M J Porto, N Taveira, T Fernandes; A65?Mitochondrial DNA studies of Lisbon immigrants from Portuguese speaking African countries, Virus Evolution, Volume 4, Issue suppl_1, 1 April 2018, vey010.064
Curto, A., Maurer, AF., Barrocas-Dias, C. et al. Archaeol Anthropol Sci (2018).
Anselmo D, Capela e Silva F, Fernandes T. Characterization of Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy in an identified skeleton from Évora, Portugal, using combined and comparative morphology and microscopy. International Journal of Paleopathology 2016; 12:11-6.

* For more publications, perform a search by author name on Digital Repository of Scientific Publications of UÉ.

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