: Rebelo, H.; Christodoulou,
P.; Payan-Carreira, R.; Dumitru, D.;
Mäkiö, E.; Mäkiö, J.; Pnevmatikos, D.
University-Business Collaboration
for the Design, Development, and
Delivery of Critical Thinking Blended
Apprenticeships Curricula: Lessons
Learned from a Three-Year Project.
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Botelho-Fontela, S.; Paixão, G.; Pereira-Pinto, R.; Vaz-Velho, M.; Pires, M.d.A.; Payan-Carreira, R.; Patarata, L.; Lorenzo, J.; Silva, A.; Esteves, A. Effect of Immunocastration on Culled Sows?A Preliminary Study on Reproductive Tract, Carcass Traits, and Meat Quality. Vet. Sci. 2023, 10, 600. https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci10100600
Botelho-Fontela S, Ferreira S, Paixão G, Pereira-Pinto R, Vaz-Velho M, Pires MdA, Payan-Carreira R, Patarata L, Lorenzo JM, Silva JA, et al. Seasonal Variations on Testicular Morphology, Boar Taint, and Meat Quality Traits in Traditional Outdoor Pig Farming. Animals. 2024; 14(1):102. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14010102
Payan-Carreira, R. Gene-Based Therapy: A New Approach to Feline Induced Sterilization? Future Pharmacol. 2023, 3, 938-950. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Botelho-Fontela, Sofia; Paixão, Gustavo; Pereira-Pinto, Ricardo; Vaz-Velho, Manuela; Pires, Maria A.; Payan-Carreira, Rita; Patarata, Luís; et al. "The effects of different immunocastration protocols on meat quality traits and boar taint compounds in male Bísaro pigs". Theriogenology 214 (2024): 89-97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2023.10.016.
Dumitru, D. E., Pnevmatikos, D., Payan-Carreira, R., Kriau?i?nien?, R., Christodoulou, P., Minciu, M., Mäkiö, E. & Mäkiö, J. (2023). Fostering Graduates' Critical Thinking with University-Business Collaboration: The Think4Jobs Project. In L. Daadaoui et al. (Eds.) International Conference Erasmus Scientific Days 2022 (pp. 362-371). Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities. DOI: 10.2991/978-2-38476-036-7_34
Kazemian A, Tavares Pereira M, Aslan S, Payan-Carreira R, Reichler IM, Agaoglu RA, Kowalewski MP. Membrane-bound progesterone receptors in the canine uterus and placenta; possible targets in the maintenance of pregnancy. Theriogenology. 2023. 210:68-83. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2023.07.005.
Azuaga Filho H, Colaço B and Payan-Carreira R. (2023) The usefulness of models and simulators for training practical bovine artificial insemination skills. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1240978. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1240978
Morais, E., Lopes, J., Silva, H., Dominguez, C., Payan-Carreira, R., Imaginário, C., & Santos, M. J. (2023). Dispositions toward Critical Thinking in Portuguese Undergraduate Students. Educational Process: International Journal, 12(1): 19-36.
Rebelo, H., Sebastião, L., Ferreira, D., Payan-Carreira, R. (2022). Developing Critical Thinking in Higher Education: Is There a Reason to Change?. In: Reis, A., Barroso, J., Martins, P., Jimoyiannis, A., Huang, R.YM., Henriques, R. (eds) Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education. TECH-EDU 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1720. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22918-3_25
Payan-Carreira, R., Reis, J. (2023). Shaping Clinical Reasoning. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Brain, Decision Making and Mental Health. Integrated Science, vol 12. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15959-6_9
Payan-Carreira, R., Silva, R., Simões, M., Rebelo, H. (2022). Business-University Collaboration in Designing Work-Based Activities Fostering Clinical Reasoning. In: Reis, A., Barroso, J., Martins, P., Jimoyiannis, A., Huang, R.YM., Henriques, R. (eds) Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education. TECH-EDU 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1720. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22918-3_26
Payan-Carreira, R.; Sacau-Fontenla, A.; Rebelo, H.; Sebastião, L.; Pnevmatikos, D. Development and Validation of a Critical Thinking Assessment-Scale Short Form. Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 938. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12120938
Payan-Carreira, R., Sebastião, L., Cristóvão, A.M., & Rebelo, H. (2022). How to Enhance Students' Self-Regulation. In J. Dutton (Ed.) The Psychology of Self-Regulation, 211 -232. Nova Science Publishers.
Vilaça-Alves, J.; Magalhães,
P.S.; Rosa, C.V.; Reis, V.M.; Garrido,
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Payan-Carreira, R., Rebelo, H., & Sebastião, L. (2022). Active Learning Strategies in the Veterinary Medicine Programme under the Think4Jobs Project. In (Ed.), Active Learning - Research and Practice for STEAM and Social Sciences Education [Working Title]. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.105969
Payan-Carreira, R.; Santos, D. (2022). Superoxide Dismutase Participation in Sperm Capacitation. In: Advances in Health and Disease (vol. 53). Lowell T. Duncan (Ed.). Ch. 2, pp 45-69. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-68507-820-1