Geographic Information Technologies for Watershed Management

Name: Geographic Information Technologies for Watershed Management
Code: ERU14231O
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Rural Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended that students get to know the concepts of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and GNSS applied to watershed management.
Students should also apply remote sensing methods and techniques to extract additional information, to support better characterization of objects on the earth's surface, from data captured by optical systems and multispectral scanners, LiDAR and Radar.
Students should develop skills and competences in:
• Prepare the georeferenced information available for delimitation, hydrometeorological characterization and studies in hydrographic basins;
• Integrate geographic information from various sources;
• Research, analyze information, propose solutions, evaluate solutions and
choose the solution to be adopted;
• Discussion of topics and defense of proposals.


1. Principles and general bases of geographic information for watershed management: Cartographic databases, Meteorological databases: Hydrological databases. Import of georeferenced information into the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment.
2. GNSS-GPS: Global positioning systems to identify incidents at the river basin level: GNSS concepts; Triangulation between satellites; Distance measurement; Satellite position; Correction of errors; Differential GPS operation and correction; GNSS data applications. - Structuring spatial databases, as models of reality.
3. GIS: Data models (A-grid and B-vector); Map algebra; MDT; Hydrological Modeling; Geostatistical Analysis; GIS alert systems; Preparation of layouts.
4. Remote Detection: Monitoring and inspection of consumption and quality of surface and underground water; Alert systems in remote sensing.
5. Case study: the hydrographic basin of the Guadiana River.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes. Practical assignments.
Assessment based on practical work and written tests.
The final grade is obtained by the weighted average, between the practical assignments (50%) and the written tests (50%).