Nutrição Mineral e Desenvolvimento Vegetal

Name: Nutrição Mineral e Desenvolvimento Vegetal
Code: BIO10295O
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Main objectives are: deepening the knowledge on the mineral nutrition of plants and functions of mineral nutrients (O1) as well as of some methods for their study (O2).

On skills, as a supervised practical experience is to be done, written, presented and defended, the course aims to create opportunities for improving planning capacity (O3) conducting laboratory work (O4), the use of computers (O5), the application of methods of numerical analysis (O6), interpersonal relationships and teamwork (O7). It also aims to promote the capacity for analysis and synthesis (O8), the development of critical thinking (O9) and developing the capacity of reasoning (O10).


Theoretical contents: C1. The nutrients in the plant: The essential elements and their main functions. C2. Root uptake and xylem transport of inorganic ions. C3. Ion transport and selectivity of membranes. C4. Phloem transport and translocation of nutrients in the plant. C5. Nutritional disorders. Symptoms of deficiency and toxicity. C6. Mineral nutrition, development, growth and production. C7. Tolerance and adaptation to adverse chemical conditions.

Practical contents: C8. Studies of the response to the presence and concentration of certain ions in the culture medium and to variations in osmotic potential in some species and cultivars of agronomic interest. Using tests of germination and hydroponics, the practical work will focus on different stages of development considering - (1) Germination and early development. (2) Growth and biomass production.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Methods:

M1. Structured lectures.

M2. Roundtable discussion on selected topics.

M3. Presentation and discussion of the practical work to be done.

M4. Planning and design of practical work.

M5. Stepwise supervision of the practical work.

M6. Bibliographical research by students, preferably independent.

M7. Presentation of written work following the rules and standards previously established after prior review by the teacher.

M8. Oral presentation of work carried out in plenary followed by defense and discussion.


Theoretical test  (40%), participation in the roundtable discussions (M2, 10%), individual work (M4, M5, 10%) written work (M6, M7, 30%), oral presentation and discussion (M8, 10%).

Recommended Reading

BOOKS (considering the availability of the Universidade de Évora):

Marschner, H., 1991. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2nd ed. Academic Press, London.

Raven, P. H., Evert, R. F., Eichhorn, S. E., 1999. Biology of plants. 6th ed. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.

Taiz, L. ; Zeiger, E. 2002. Plant physiology. 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates,  Sunderland.



Complementary research papers of historical or current interest will be, in due course, provided to allow interested students deepen the subjects taught. This will not excuse the survey of databases such as ISI Web of Knowledge