Management of Biomedical Databases

Name: Management of Biomedical Databases
Code: CMS14265M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Health Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objective of this UC is to present an overview of all key aspects of a biobank and its crucial role as a fundamental infrastructure in the advancement of biomedical research. The UC will orient students to standard biobank terminology, describe principles related to the handling of biospecimens and provide information on acceptable practices and standards in biobanking. At the end of the course the student should be able to understand and implement the following:
1. Biospecimen science refers to common practices and procedures for obtaining and preserving biospecimens.
2. Quality management of biospecimens and associated data to guarantee the highest possible quality throughout their life cycle.
3. Data management using LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System).
4. ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications): refers to Ethics, Legal and Social Issues related to the implementation and operation of all biobanking practices.
5. Develop a biobanking business plan.


The course will be taught in an integrated manner by addressing the following topics:
1. The Science of biobanking in the 21st Century: an overview.
2. Biobank governance.
3. Biobank models.
4. ELSI: ethical, legal and social issues.
5. Informed Consent.
6. Data protection and the new EU- GDPR.
7. BBMRI-ERIC and International Society of Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER): Best Practices
8. Quality management and process improvement.
9. Specimen collection, processing, storage and distribution.
10. Specimen annotation.
11. Data Management.
12. Biobank sustainability.
13. Biobanks and personalized medicine: case studies.

Teaching Methods

The adopted methodology aims to motivate the student in the learning process, promoting his autonomous research capacity as well as critical thinking. Several methods are used, namely the lecture classes that provide the basis for exploring additional content, regardless of the student's background. Some classes may also be taught via e-learning. The realization of individual and/or group works, the discussion of relevant topics, and critical analysis of articles and/or practical cases/problems, guided by the teacher, allow the acquisition and integration of knowledge related to the theme. Practical sessions involving the use of sample management systems and clinical data in the biobank will also be privileged.
The evaluation process will therefore comprise the development of a biobank development and management plan, carried out in groups: (i) final document with the project (70%); (ii) formal presentation of the project (30%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )