Technology in Sport and Health.

Master Degree

Ano Letivo 2025/2026

Course Overview

Technological advance is transversal in the various areas of society and constitutes an essential instigator of economic growth and human development. In this context, Sports and Health are no exception. In Sports, various gadgets, sensors, and computer vision systems are being developed to record continuous human movement data to optimise motor performance. In Health, advances in technology have made it possible to increase the accuracy of diagnosis and develop more effective treatments, promoting improvements in patient's quality of life and the population in general. In this context, the Master's Degree in Technology in Sports and Health aims to train specialists in Sports and Health technology with the knowledge and technical capacity to develop and apply instruments and methods of collecting and processing information based on technology.
Organic Unit: School of Health and Human Development
Duration: 4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (54 required and 24 optional in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese
Regime: Presencial
CNAEF Areas:
  • Sports (813)


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Career Prospects

Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams in the sports industry, health units, or research centers. This Master aims at developing skills for all professions in the field of sport and health involving the use of technology-based equipment or instruments.

Specific Entry Requirements

Holders of a Bachelor's degree in Sport Sciences, or Bachelor?s Degree in Psychomotor Rehabilitation, or Bachelor?s Degree in Computer Sciences Engineering, or Bachelor?s Degree in Mechatronics Engineering, or Bachelor?s Degree in Nursing, or Bachelor?s Degree in Biomedicine, or Bachelor?s Degree in Human Biology, or other related areas.
Holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum which certifies, by the course committee of the Master in Technology in Sport and Health and by the Scientific Council of the School of Health and Human Development, capabilities to carry out this cycle of studies.

Access Routes and Applications

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

Students from EU countries
1050.00 €
International Students
2500.00 €
International Students with Merit Scholarships
1050.00 €
International Students with Cooperation and Development Grants
1250.00 €

Course Committee

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Contact Information

Director: Orlando de Jesus Semedo Mendes Fernandes []

Academic Manager: Ana Cristina Alves Dias
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE