Code: PSI13894M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The CU intends to develop skills for a critical and reflective approach to scientific research in the field of Psychopathology and know how to extract relevant implications for intervention and research in Psychomotricity.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Approach the human behavior in an informed and critical way regarding the normal-pathology dimension.
2. Know the most relevant classification approaches in psychopathology today.
3. Deepen the knowledge about several psychopathological conditions most frequent in the Psychomotricist’s practice (eg, descriptive psychopathology; main etiological factors, risk and protective factors; developmental trajectories throughout life; phenomenology and more significant dimensions of psychomotor expression).
4. Apply knowledge about psychopathological conditions to the study and formulation of clinical cases, as usually elaborated in the context of mental health teams, and consider them when designing psychomotor interventions.
5. Develop skills for a critical and reflective approach to scientific research in the field of Psychopathology, and know how to extract relevant implications for intervention and research in Psychomotricity.


1. The notion of normal and pathological in the context of development
2. Theoretical perspectives and classification in psychopathology
3. Body and psychomotor expression in psychopathology
4. A comprehensive approach to major classes of psychopathology:
4.1. Neurodevelopmental disorders
4.2. Psychotic disorders
4.3. Depressive disorders
4.4. Anxiety disorders
4.5. Eating behavior disorders
4.6. Disruptive and behavioral disorders
4.7. Somatization disorders
4.8. Neurocognitive disorders: the case of dementia

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes: expository methods (with audiovisual support, etc.) and discussion.
Theoretical-practical classes: diverse activities, group and / or individual, such as study / discussion of clinical cases and / or scientific articles. Sharing experiences with Psychomotricists.

Continuous evaluation
It requires students to attend classes (see University Regulations).
- Written test (55%);
- Written, theoretical and theoretical-practical group work, including presentation and discussion in theoretical-practical classes (45% of the final grade);
- Optional: participation in a research project (approved by the teacher) (10% final classification, thus 50% test and 40% group work).

Evaluation by final exam
Written exam (100% final grade). Optional: Written exam + individual work (as proposed in the continuous assessment) (50% of the final grade, each).

Approval with a minimum final classification of 10 values and a minimum grade of 7.50 in each of the evaluation elements.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )