Mediation and Interpersonal Relations in Educational Contexts

Name: Mediation and Interpersonal Relations in Educational Contexts
Code: PED13953M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Understand the different stages of the mediation process.
- Know the profile of the mediator, clarifying their role and functions.
- Design mediation projects in educational contexts.
- Develop skills that allow detecting, preventing and resolving situations of tension and / or conflict within interpersonal relationships, in educational contexts.
- Assess a vision of mediation as an alternative means of resolving conflicts between people, their advantages and main characteristics.


1. Mediation in theory,
1.1. Conflict: elements, styles and attitudes basic approach to their resolution.
1.2. Alternative means of conflict resolution.
1.3. Communication / Negotiation.
1.4. Mediation: the concept and goals.
1.5. The process of mediation.
2. Mediation in-context
2.1. Knowing the context and the group.
2.2. From diagnosis to design mediation projects.
2.3. From implementation to evaluation of mediation projects.
2.4. Mediation in educational contexts.

Teaching Methods

The form of organization of activities lective has the realization of the collective nature of classroom sessions, orientation sessions and tutorial-type lectures given by invited experts. The first will be predominantly theoretical and practical in nature and have as methodological support: years pre-activation of ideas, interactive exhibition, debates, case studies, role plays / simulations, analysis and presentation of reviews of texts, films, etc.. Will be diversified so as to allow different types of work and the use of different teaching resources. We believe that only the use of different methodologies of teaching and learning enables the acquisition of the objectives proposed.
Rating: Literature review of literature, written work (80%) - to be held individually or in groups, and presentation and discussion of research results and syntheses of reflection upon them performed (20%).
Exam- Written test- 100%.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )