Taphonomy and Paleoecology

Name: Taphonomy and Paleoecology
Code: GEO10333M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To provide basic training on Taphonomy (bioestratinomía and fossildiagenesis).
To understand the importance of Paleoecology in paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
To discuss the impact of global changes, to the ecosystems of the past.


Taphonomy.Definition and parts.Skeletal composition of fossils
Biostratinomy.Field questionaries.Fossil assemblages. Fossildiagenesis
Taphonomic feedback.Time averaging. aphofacies
Palaeoecology:general concepts.Diversity, equitability, dominance.Massive extinctions
Trophic structure of ecosystems.Trophic webs. Models in ancient communitties
Sediment-organism relations.Bioturbation and bioerosion Neoichnology and Palaeoichnology
Well preserved old ecosystems
Stable isotope technicals applied to palaeoecology
Labeled samples of several types of preservation, transportation effects and endogenous biological destruction.
Taphonomical studies in the laboratory
Diversity index, equitability and dominance histograms of samples
Description of several trace fossils, determination of their behavioral category and palaeoenvironment
Interpretation of sets of isotopic data from Mollusks
Taphonomy in shell concentrations of Lisboa marine Upper Miocene

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes and practices concerning analyses and discussion about presented case studies.
Field trip.
Continuous assessment through presentation and discussion of reports and / or topics for discussion (50%); Written tests (50%)