Frontier Cultures

Name: Frontier Cultures
Code: HIS10578M
Duration: 15 weeks/280 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To problematise the historical context of the frontier as an identity producer in itself.
- To discuss Hispania's historical position as a turntable of different civilizational contexts within the inner
- To examine the contexts of cultural production in a particular regional medieval area
- To identify characteristic traits in a system of mental representations/categories in medieval Hispania
- Capacity to produce historical discourse.
- Ability for the heuristics of collections of documentation and codices.
- Hermeneutics of the medieval texts: Latin, Romance, and Arab.


We will question the processes of identity formation in medieval Hispania and al-Andaluz, understood as a
large turntable of two civilisational complexes: Christianitas and Dar al-Islam. In this view, we will privilege
observation of the contact regions where specific cultural solutions occur, such as Toledo or Coimbra.
Particular attention shall be paid to phenomena usually described as "minorities" understood here as spaces
for the observation of the crossing and most of all the formation of original identities, Moorish, Arabic, or
Jewish. Lastly, we will study the solutions that characterise these frontier identities, from onomastics through
family systems to the definition of domestic spaces, garden architecture, and irrigation.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical and practical. Text commentary. Presentation of a reading report on a historiographic source or