Expressive Therapies

Name: Expressive Therapies
Code: PSI11168M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1-To understand the theoretical background of Expressive Therapies (E.T.), namely the role of different Communication and Expression’ form in different contexts, the clinical and group relationships;
2-To know some conceptual and methodological aspects of practice on E.T.. and specifically in Music-therapy, Dance-therapy, Drama-therapy and Art-therapy;
3-To demonstrate sensibility to the use of expressive-a arts mediators as facilitators of the emotional expression and interpersonal relationship, understanding its impact on the level of dynamic relationships;
4-To demonstrate capacity of reflection and personal development using these mediators;
5-To know processes and the development of programs that emphasize expressive-arts as therapeutic element;
6-To know some of basic techniques of Expressive Therapies that can be used by psychologists in different contexts. clinical or educational settings, on a preventive’ perspective, personal development or therapy;
7-To know and to demonstrate sensitivity for the ethical and deontological dimensions of the practical ones in the scope of E.T.


1-Theoretical Foundations of Expressive Therapies
2- Expression and Communication in Therapeutic Relationship
3- Principles and Practice
3.1. Role of ET
3.2. Theoretical Models
3.3. Application Models
3.4. Settings of Intervention
3.5. Evaluation and Research Models
4 - Steps in Therapeutic Process
5 - Modalities
5.1. Music Therapy
5.2. Dance/Movement Therapy
5.3. Drama Therapy
5.4. Art Therapy
5.5. Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy
6 - Workshops

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes - expositive theoretical sessions with audio-visual resources, work on a small groups,.
Practical classes- Every week, some of the basic techniques of Expressive Therapies will be lived deeply (through personal and interactive participation) and later will be reflecting individually and in group
Tutorial orientation- The pupil will also be guiden in its autonomous work of bibliographical research

Continuous Assessment:
- An individual theoretical work on the development of a subject in the scope of disciplines, which will have discuss with the. This work must be presented to the group, in a presentation that could be adjusted with other colleagues to form a developing a team work (60%);
- daily an individual one with the register of some experiences originating from expression ateliers (40%)
Examination Assessment:
- A written test about all contents course (70%);
- Daily an individual one with the register of some experiences originating from workshops (30%)