Psychological Intervention in Health Contexts

Name: Psychological Intervention in Health Contexts
Code: PSI11157M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To know the framework of psychological intervention in health contexts
- To learn how to search, identify and analyse models, strategies and techniques of psychological intervention in several health contexts
- To develop skills in order to analyse, discuss, develop and evaluate programs of promotion, prevention and/or intervention in health contexts
- To develop reflexivity and ethical questioning regarding psychological interventions in health contexts


1. Introduction:
1.1 Clinical Health Psychology and Social and Community Health Psychology
1.2 Clinical practice in a health context: framework

2. General context:
2.1 The World Health Organization
2.1 The Portuguese National Healthcare System: Basic Healthcare, Secondary Healthcare Tertiary Healthcare and how they are integrated.

3. Specific contexts of intervention:
3.1 Psycho-Cardiology
3.2 Psycho-Oncology
3.3 Chirurgic
3.4 Emergency
3.5 Chronic pain
3.6 Psychiatry
3.7 Continued healthcare
3.7 Palliative healthcare

4. The role of psychologists in Health Promotion Programs

5. The role of psychologists in Disease Prevention Programs

6. Challenges and possibilities
6.1 Multi and transdisciplinary work, team work and training
6.2 Health project design and it´s implementation in the communities (Governmental Agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
6.3 Intervention evaluation
6.4 Ethical questioning regarding the economic and social determinants of health and psychological intervention.

Teaching Methods

Beginning with orienting questions, texts and concrete contexts of intervention the teaching methodologies used are the search, analysis, presentation and discussion (by students and teacher) of texts, programs, projects and guidelines of psychological intervention in health contexts.

In the continuous evaluation system 2 elements have the same weight in the final grade:
a) Individual analysis and discussion of a collection of readings and bibliographic research
b) Presentation and discussion of a group work about a program or specific context of health practice, focused on strategies and techniques of the interventions.
In the final evaluation system, there is only a written test about the contents of the course (100%, exceptions are made when the students have already been approved in one element of the continuous evaluation system, then, it is only 50% of the final grade).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )