Psychological Consultation

Name: Psychological Consultation
Code: PSI11132M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Promote the conceptualization of Couselling Psycholoy as a relational process
2. Promote reflection on the objectives of a psychological intervention focused on promoting development.
3. To develop specific competences inherent to a Psychological Consultation, namely, active listening skills.
4. Develop reflective skills necessary for clinical thinking.
5. To contribute to the reflection on the specificities of Couselling Psycholoy according to the different age groups.
6. Contribute to the reflection on the specificities of Couselling Psycholoy according to the different clinical contexts, including group contexts.
7. Contribute to the awareness of the ethical issues inherent in being in the relationship with the other
8. Contribute to the personal and professional development of students, enhancing self-knowledge.


1. Introduction to Counselling Psychology
1.1. Counselling Psychology as helping relationship
1.2. Counselling Psychology, Interview, and Psychotherapy
1.3. Counselling Psychology and Development (A psychological intervention for personal development, psychological intervention in the development of life contexts)
2.Relational context and communicative dimensions in Counselling Psychology
2.1. The counselling process as relation
2.2. Being in the process of communicating and Counselling Psychology (me in relation to the other, active listening, communication therapy, values, diversity and ethical issues)
3. Counselling psychology in different age and in diferente clinical contexts

Teaching Methods

Sructured and semi-structured activities and reflection on them. These activities include role-playins and an interview with a stranger (young or adult). The reading of texts and the reflection about them in the classes The bibliographical research on the topics to be addressed. Contact with different contexts of psychological consultation. The writing of a training reflexive diary

Continuous evaluation is fair through the training diaries (70%), and also, taking into account, participation in classes and proposed activities (30%).

Assessment by examination -4 elements:
Realization of a role-playing exercise of a cousselling situatios and its critical analysis (25%).
Conducting an interview with an unknown person (young or adult) and analysisof this interview (25%).
Realization of 2 works, one of them on the specifics of the consultation in a given context at the student's choice and another more reflective about being and communicating in psychological consultation (50%)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )