Dynamic Psychotherapy with Adults

Name: Dynamic Psychotherapy with Adults
Code: PSI11130M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide the epistemological bases of psychotherapeutic technique
Discuss and reflect on key techniques and their specific
Adequate technical aspects to theoretical models and the context of the intervention.
Make comparative judgments of theoretical and technical psychotherapeutic models.
Discussion of technical aspects through clinical case studies.


2. Epistemological aspects of the theory of psychotherapeutic technique
3. Initial phase: the interview in clinical psychology
4. The psychotherapeutic process - theoretical aspects of interpretative technique in psychotherapy The act of interpretation and its key components, the transfer and its use in psychotherapeutic technique, countertransference and empathy in the act of interpretation,the resistance and its clinical management, the setting, the Insight, the preparation, the psychic change.
5. Psychotherapy in the context of health
6. Finals: theoretical and technical problems of the end of psychotherapy

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes will be expositive using examples of clinical practice and videos.
The practical classes are based on the discussion of texts about the main authors of psychoanalytic theories and presentation of practical works.

Continuous assessment regime:
1- Presentation of group work on the schools of psychoanalysis and objectives of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. (50%)
2- Presentation of conceptualization of a case study. (50%)

Students who have a final grade equal to or greater than 10 (ten) values are considered approved, and students can´t score a grade lower than 7, 5 at any moment of evaluation.

Examination regime (normal time and recess time) - The exam is composed of a written test on all the contents developed in the program of the discipline, considering that students who obtain a final mark equal or superior to 10 (ten) values .

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )