
Name: Bioremediation
Code: QUI13570M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biochemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The main objective of this curricular unit is to endow the student with an training in the rehabilitation of contaminated water and soils, resorting to Bioremediation as a tool for the restoration of the environment of contaminated areas.
In this curricular unit, the students should acquire the necessary skills for:
i) identifying the main pollutant types present in contaminated water and soils; understanding which factors influence the transport and transference of pollutants among environmental compartments;
ii) recognizing and using the concepts and principles of Bioremediation and Phytoremediation, namely the mechanisms for pollutant removal or biotransformation/biodegradation;
iii) recognizing the different Bioremediation/Phytoremediation technologies and selecting the most adequate according to the characteristics of the contaminated systems;
iv) sketching a plan for Bioremediating/Phytoremediating contaminated areas.


1. Introduction to bioremediation processes. Key concepts.
2. Bioremediation of contaminated water and soils. Advantages and disadvantages.
3. Organic and inorganic pollutants. Identification, transport and fate of pollutants in the environment.
4. Accumulation mechanisms of heavy metals and organic compounds.
5. Biological mechanisms of detoxification in microorganisms and plants.
6. Bioremediation technologies (In-situ and Ex-situ).
7. Phytoremediation processes.
7.1. Phytoremediation of contaminated water and soils. Advantages and disadvantages.
7.2. Main processes of pollutant removal/biotransformation.
7.3. Constructed wetlands systems.
8. Case study evaluation.

Teaching Methods

The teaching/learning is based on students’ work, supported by recommended bibliography and notes taken by students either during classes or through research at home. Lectures are not purely expository, as they are illustrated by some case studies. Laboratory classes are also conducted in order to develop a practical knowledge in bioremediation. Case studies, about practical and real situations, will also be analyzed in class. Field-work classes are intended for visits to locations where bioremediation is being implemented.
The evaluation focuses the level of acquired knowledge and the development of new skills. The evaluation is carried out with the presentation and discussion of reports of assigned tasks with the objectives of identifying, analyzing and solving study cases and designing and presenting plans for the bioremediation of contaminated areas (100%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )