Public Policies of Territorial Intervention

Name: Public Policies of Territorial Intervention
Code: SOC12049M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1 - To think "territorial" public policy;
2 - Critical analysis of the objectives of public policy in the context of theoretical frameworks in the sociological perspective;
3 - To question the materiality of the territory and the notion of territorial governance and consequent territorial coordination of policies;
4 - Describe the European, national and regional structural policies.
5 - Identify and understand situations disarticulation of territorial intervention proposals and the importance of a constant dialogue around the development between different social actors.


Territory, governance and public policy
1.1. The context and the challenges the logic of territorial development
1.2. The governance of territorial
1.3. The territorialisation of public policies
1.4. Typologies of public policies face to the main theoretical frameworks
1.5 Materiality of territory: urban systems, specialization of production and low density areas.

Territorial development and articulation of public policies and social actors
2.1. Fundamentals of European, national and regional structural policies.
2.2. As administrative and political dimensions of the territorial intervention process
2.3. Forms of articulation between sectoral and regional interventions or planning to chance?
2.4. Case study

Teaching Methods

The classes are essentially a matter of discussion forum focusing on why the debate and all methods that allow and encourage the active participation of masters. The sessions aim to provoke discussion and reflection on a particular theme and are designed to provide Master's students to a deeper reflection on concepts, theoretical approaches and intervention models. In this sense, the focus is the conduct of different learning sessions through presentations and interaction methodologies psychosocial (brainstorming and discussion forums), supported either with audiovisual aids, bibliographic media, press clippings, and other electronic media static and virtual (Internet). Aiming at strengthening the approach of practical application of the syllabus, some of the sessions to develop under the collective format Workshop (dynamized by invited experts).

The learning evaluation will be based on two aspects:
A – Continuous assessment (1) Participation in the sessions, (2) knowledge and skills acquired will be assessed through the preparation and presentation of a practical application of theoretical knowledge
B – Evaluation by examination
Written Test /Final Exam (100%)

Teaching Staff (2022/2023 )