Financial Control

Name: Financial Control
Code: GES12549M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The general objective of this unit is to deepen the body of knowledge in the field of planning and management control, with a focus on the financial perspective.
The focus is on the methodologies and instruments of financial planning and control and on the theoretical and conceptual approach to financial planning and control, including a research-focused perspective in these areas.
- To develop theoretical and conceptual skills of planning and financial control and its insertion in the sphere of management control;
- To master the main topics that frame the problem of planning and financial control;
- To develop of a critical understanding regarding the planning and control problem in organizations;
- To develop research capabilities and application of methodologies;
- To develop capabilities of critical analysis and judgment.


- Theoretical-conceptual perspective (management control and financial control)
- Financial planning and control on organizations
- Relating financial control indicators with non-financial indicators
- Main methodologies and instruments of financial control
- Research methods in the field of financial planning and control
- Recent developments in financial planning and contro

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology emphasizes the explanation and the discussion of the relevant elements of each of the programmatic topics.
The Moodle e-learning platform is used to provide support materials for face-to-face sessions and other material complementary to the basic bibliography.
Students should take readings of the selected material for further discussion and further study.
Seminars or workshops will be held with experts in the area of financial planning and control, including research. Participation in these seminars or workshops can be complemented by reporting.
The evaluation consists in the performance of test(s) and / or individual or group work(s), which can be presented and discussed in the classroom.