Urban Economics

Name: Urban Economics
Code: ECN11993M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This course addresses the theoretical concepts underlying urban economics. In addition, it discusses current problems and public policies in the urban space, as well as some research methods applied in urban economics.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Firstly the course introduces students to key topics in urban economics - economic development and urbanization, formation of urban systems and the organization of urban space, as well as urban growth. Secondly the curricular unit will enable students (using economic tools and empirical research) to analyze empirical evidence and urban public policies.


1. Introduction
1.1. Urban economics as a course
1.2. The role of urban centers in the economy
1.3. Economic development and urbanization
2. Urban systems
2.1. The central places theory and the concept of urban hierarchy
2.2. From the concept of urban hierarchy to the urban network
2.3. The concept of utility in the definition of urban systems
2.4. Empirical evidence on the evolution of urban systems
3. Use of urban space
3.1. Location of economic activities
3.2. Economic fundamentals of the center(s)
3.3. The residential location
4. Urban growth and contemporary issues
4.1. Urban growth factors
4.2. Urban environment and sustainability
4.3. Economic and social inequalities in urban space
5. Public policies in urban space
5.1. The physical expansion of the city and the control of urban land
5.2. Tax policy and location choice
5.3. Public services supply
5.4. Social policies and policies on environment
6. Research methods applied to the study of cities

Teaching Methods

The method of teaching and learning includes:
• Lectures in the classroom;
• Using the Internet for real-time access to relevant documents and websites;
• Presentation and discussion of case studies.


A. Continuous assessment: individual essay, within the scope of the curricular unit program, to be developed throughout the semester.
The objective is to stimulate students' research capacity, as well as critical thinking supported by knowledge, so that they are able to draft a scientific article (short paper) of bibliographic review. To do this, students must consider the bibliographical references of the curricular unit, scientific journals and other articles made available by the teacher in Moodle.

B. Examination regime: individual written test that covers the entire course program.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )