Visual Studies

Name: Visual Studies
Code: PAO13834M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Artes Plásticas

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Visual Studies is aiming to promote an environment of reflection and debate in which the student develops a map of referents on landscape, their relationship and inter-disciplinarity with contemporary art, and with issues of landscape aesthetics.

- Development of analytical and conceptual approach to artistic interventions on landscape and on public space.
- Development of creative skills when thinking and working with space.
- Being able to have a critical voice in Landscape Architecture.
- Being able to use Visual Studies as a conceptual tool in Landscape Architecture.


- Addressing the landscape in the context of contemporary artistic practices.
- Contamination between Art and Landscape Architecture.
- Think and reflect on the landscape in contemporary society: aesthetic and ethical concerns.
- Introduce and contextualize the students in different operational concepts of artistic and aesthetic panoramas.
- Understanding of landscape as a cause, support and purpose of artistic creation.

Teaching Methods

The contents are introduced in through lectures, supported by visual teaching materials created by the Professor, relevant videos to the subjects that are being taught, in debates, and in lectures given by invited Artists or Professors.

Study field trips favour the direct contact with exhibitions in museums and cultural institutions that are important for Visual Studies, but also for their training as architects / landscapers.

There is continuous assessment. Students will develop, individually or in groups, a project that will culminate in a final work.

The final result derives from the following weighting:
- Participation in classes and completion of the proposed exercises 20%,
- Participation in field trips and completion of the proposed exercises 20%,
- Final work 60%.

Given the skills and the nature of the work to be developed by the student, there is no opportunity for an evaluation through a final exam, appeal exam or exam in the special or extraordinary season.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )