Theatrical Techniques of Animated Forms

Name: Theatrical Techniques of Animated Forms
Code: ARC13957M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The UC proposes the development of theoretical and practical knowledge of theatrical techniques in animated forms as a transversal educational resource

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Students must:

Acquire knowledge at the level of:
. Historical and cultural knowledge and understanding of the various animation techniques as theatrical forms of projection or extension of the body itself.
. Identification of the various types of animated shapes and their characteristics

Develop skills in:
. Use of these expressive techniques as mediums transversal to the various areas of education
. Conception, adaptation and construction of animated theatrical forms (puppets, shadows, masks and characterization) as "supports" for dramatic exploration.

Reveal competences in:
. Conducting autonomous research on various techniques.
.Selection of appropriate themes for the development of these techniques in an educational context and bases its options on the project design
Develops educational project using theatrical techniques in animated ways.


Characteristics, functions and aesthetic, artistic, historical, sociocultural and educational development of animated forms.

Face and body painting
Audio visuals

Project: Design, Craft and Production, Presentation
Pedagocical resources

Teaching Methods

Direct contact with materials and techniques will be privileged in the sense that students know how to carry out and use the various techniques as teaching resources.
They will also have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge through audiovisual media, contacts with professionals and study visits.
Teaching methodologies are based on 3 vectors:
1-availability of tools and bibliographic references for carrying out theoretical and technical research focusing on theatrical techniques in animated ways;
2-in technical realization / artisanal production of different supports and creative exploration of different techniques;
3- In the development of a dramatic project in animated ways, in an interdisciplinary perspective, as a space for pedagogical experimentation in the context of pre-school and primary education.
Continuous evaluation:
- Laboratory practice - 30%
- Research and Rationale of the project - 30%
- Project development - 40%
Final evaluation: Presentation of a project (100%)

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )