Research Seminar

Name: Research Seminar
Code: GES14771M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy, Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The overall aim of this CU is to enable students to acquire the skills to undertake each stage of a research
project (identifying the object of research and the initial question, developing the conceptual framework,
choosing the appropriate methodological approach, processing data and interpreting results). More
specifically, its aims are to:
1. Initiate students into the challenges of multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in the field under
scrutiny, drawing predominantly on the experience of other researchers;
2. Provide a conceptual framework to understand the various steps and options to take in the process of
structuring and conducting research;
3. Promote dialogue between students, researchers and firms to generate new research ideas and
approaches, and the ability to identify and formulate relevant issues that research can clarify.


1. Research: what it is and what it aims to achieve
Types of research and research strategies.
2. Stages of the process
Delimiting a research problem. Identifying the conceptual framework(s). Literature review (state of the art)
and its importance for the structure of a research.
The model: objectives, issues and possible hypotheses to test. Defining the strategy and choice of methodologies for the collection and analysis of data. Presentating the results and drawing conclusions

Teaching Methods

Given the practical nature of the CU, the focus is on students’ work-in-progress; thus teaching/learning
methods include (in)formal tutorials, supported by seminars in which (i) projects and research results and
(ii) policies and ID&I strategies for the business sector, are presented.


Skills acquisition is evaluated as follows: attendance at and participation in classes/seminars (20%);
preparation of 2 individual reports to be presented/discussed (2x40%). In the first, students provide a
research project.. In the 2nd report, the student presents a literature review he considers fundamental to the state of the art.