Design and Analysis of Experiments in Ecology

Name: Design and Analysis of Experiments in Ecology
Code: BIO08100M
Duration: 15 weeks/162 hours
Scientific Area: Biology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Logical components in ecological research. Analysis and interpretation of experiments in ecology by using univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. Design of experiments.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Development of the capacity of identifying the logical components in the research process in ecology. Development of the capacity of designing, analysing and interpreting experiments in ecology by using univariate and multivariate techniques of analysis. Development of criticism in order to discuss the adequacy of an experiment to an ecological problem and the interpretation of experimental results. Development of English and Portuguese skills by reading scientific papers and writing, of numerical and computational ability to analyse data, of the ability to make scientific communications, oral and written. Development of the capacity of working in groups.


- Logical concept of experiments: from observations to the interpretation of experiments.
- Common problems in bad-designed experiments: lack of replication; lack of controls; pseudo-replication in space and time; confounding experiments; lack of independence.
Univariate studies
-Control experiments in the laboratory, manipulative and observational studies in the field that integrate spatial and temporal variability in different scales, using analysis of variance (multifactorial ANOVA, orthogonal and nested designs, fixed and random factors).
Multivariate studies (e.g. patterns of community structure) using: Classification and ordination techniques applied to biological and environmental data; Tests of multivariate hypotheses; Relation between multivariate biological and environmental patterns.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes followed by practical classes with case studies and using appropriate software. Practical classes of discussion and presentation of proposals of resolution of ecological problems by designing experiments (work in groups) Practical classes and homework of analysis and interpretation of experimental results (based in scientific papers) (work in groups). Problem solving in the design and analysis of ecological experiments (homework) and discussion with the teacher by e-mail.
Evaluation can be done continually by the attendance of students and their participation within class, by doing the homework and a test, or by exam. Obligatory group work in which students present (oral and writing) the design of an ecological problem.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )